Furnishing an army with ammunition and supply

Furnishing an army with ammunition and supply

Appeal from the Army Supply Committee of the Western Front armies to officers, officials, mediocre military officers and soldiers of the directorates of the Chief of the Supply Division of the Western Front Armies

Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
Appeal from the Army Supply Committee of the Western Front armies to officers, officers, mediocre military officers and soldiers of the directorates of the Chief of the Supply Division of the Western Front Armies.
11 июня 1917

Supply of the Russian army in the Great War with rifles, machine guns, revolvers and cartridges to them

Zalyubovsky, Anatoly Petrovich (lieutenant-general of artillery, 1859-1936). Supplying the Russian army in a great war with rifles, machine guns, revolvers and cartridges to them. Belgrade: Publication of the Central Board of the Society of Russian Officers-Artillerists Abroad, 1936.
