Russia-Japan political relations

Russia-Japan political relations

Reports of the Russian envoy to Tokyo KV Struve to the Minister of Foreign Affairs NK Girs on awarding Emperor Alexander II with the Great Imperial Order of the Chrysanthemum

  Struve, Karl Vasilievich     Reports of the Russian envoy to Tokyo KV Struve to Comrade Minister of Foreign Affairs NK Girs on awarding Emperor Alexander II with the Great Imperial Order of the Chrysanthemum.

The draft letter of the State Chancellor KV Nesselrode to the Japanese Supreme Soviet expressing gratitude on behalf of the Emperor for the help rendered to the Russian expedition and with a request to receive 52 weapons from the frigate "Diana"

  Nesselrode, Karl Vasilyevich (1780-1862).     The draft letter of the State Chancellor KV Nesselrode to the Japanese Supreme Council with an expression of gratitude on behalf of the Emperor for the help rendered to the Russian expedition and with a request to receive 52 weapons from the frigate "Diana" as a token of gratitude.

Exchange of congratulatory telegrams between USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Gromyko and Japanese Foreign Minister K. Miyazawa on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and Japan

        Exchange of congratulatory telegrams between USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Gromyko and Foreign Minister of Japan K. Miyazawa on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and Japan.

Exchange of congratulatory telegrams between the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR GV Chicherin and Japanese Foreign Minister K. Sidehara on the occasion of the conclusion of the Convention on the Basic Principles of Relations between the USSR and Japan

        Exchange of congratulatory telegrams between the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR GV Chicherin and Japanese Foreign Minister K. Sidehara on the occasion of the conclusion of the Convention on the Basic Principles of Relations between the USSR and Japan.
[January 22, 1925].
