Kiselev Pavel Dmitrievich (1788–1872)

Kiselev Pavel Dmitrievich (1788–1872)

Count PD Kiselev and his time. T. 1. The first years of life and the beginning of Kiselev's service (1788-1819); Service Kiselev in the rank of Chief of the General Staff of the Second Army (1819-1828); Participation in the war with Turkey (1828-1829); Management of the Danubian principalities (1824-1834)

  Zablotsky-Desyatovsky, Andrey Parfenovich (1808-1881 / 82).     Count PD Kiselev and his time. T. 1: The first years of life and the beginning of Kiselev's service (1788-1819); Service Kiselev in the rank of Chief of the General Staff of the Second Army (1819-1828); Participation in the war with Turkey (1828-1829); Management of the Danubian principalities (1824-1834).
St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1882. 1882,

Count PD Kiselev and his time. T. 3. Part 1. Diplomatic service of the Count PD Kiselev in Paris. Part 2. The last years of the life of Count PD Kiselev

  Zablotsky-Desyatovsky, Andrey Parfenovich (1808-1881 / 82).     Count PD Kiselev and his time. Part 1. Diplomatic service of Count PD Kiselev in Paris; Part 2. The last years of the life of Count PD Kiselev.
St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1882. 1882,

Count P.D. Kiselev and his time. Materials for the history of the emperors Alexander I, Nicholas and Alexander II. Op. A.P. Zabolotsky-Desyatovsky. I-VI. St. Petersburg, 1882

  Engelman, Ivan Egorovich (1832-1912).     Count P.D. Kiselev and his time. Materials for the history of the emperors Alexander I, Nicholas and Alexander II. Op. A.P. Zabolotsky-Desyatovsky. I-VI. St. Petersburg., 1882.
[St. Petersburg]: type. Acad. Sciences, 1883.

State peasants and the reform of P. D. Kiselev. T. 2. Implementation and consequences of reform

Druzhinin. Nikolai Mikhailovich. 1886-1986. State peasants and the reform of P. D. Kiselev. Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1946-1958; Leningrad.
T. 2: Implementation and implications of reform. 1958.
Гос. архив Тюменской области