Krechetnikov Mikhail Nikitich (1729–1793)
Krechetnikov Mikhail Nikitich (1729–1793)
Count Mikhail Nikitich Krechetnikov, first governor-general of the South-West Region reunited with Russia (1793)
Fedorov, Iosif Ivanovich. Count Mikhail Nikitich Krechetnikov, first governor-general of the South-Western region reunited with Russia (1793). Kamenetz-Podolsk: printed in the printing house of Podolsky provincial government, 1893.
The Journal of Relations to Her Imperial Majesty the Kaluga, Tula and Ryazan Governor-General Mikhail Nikitich Krechetnikov, in 1782-1787. Day notes on the movement and actions of Russian troops in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland in 1792, who were under the command of the general-anshef Mikhail Nikitich Krechetnikov. Letters to General and Cavalier Mikhail Nikitich Krechetnikov Count Zakhar Grigoryevich Chernyshov and others from 1769 to 1785
Krechetnikov, Mikhail Nikitich (1723-1793). The Journal of Relations to Her Imperial Majesty the Kaluga, Tula and Ryazan Governor-General Mikhail Nikitich Krechetnikov, in 1782-1787. Moscow: at the University Press, 1863.
Materials for the history of the Podolsky province. [Time of the Governor-General MN Krechetnikov (1791-1793)]
Materials for the history of the Podolsky province. [Time of the Governor-General MN Krechetnikov (1791-1793)]. LM, 1885.