The third coalition government
Elected on the Democratic Conference provisional Council of the Russian Republic was instructed to determine the composition of the future government cabinet. The resolution adopted during the meeting allowed representatives of the liberal bourgeoisie and commercial and industrial circles to enter it. On September 25 (October 8), the third in succession coalition government was formed. The cabinet consisted of six cadets, one socialist-revolutionary, three Mensheviks, two members of Labor Party — Trudoviks, one not associated with any groups and two military-grade. A. F. Kerensky remained the Minister-chairman and Supreme Commander-in-chief. A. I. Konovalov became his deputy and simultaneously the Minister of Trade and Industry. The portfolio of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as Postal and Telegraphs went to A. M. Nikitin. M. I. Tereshchenko headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A. I. Verkhovsky became the Secretary of War, while D. N. Verderevsky — the Navy. M. V. Bernatsky was appointed the Minister of Finance, P. N. Malyantovich — the Justice, A. V. Liverovsky — the Means of Communication, S. S. Salazkin — the Public Education, S. L. Maslov — the Agriculture, K. A. Gvozdev — the Labor, S. N. Prokopovich — the Provisions, N. M. Kishkin — the State Charity; A. V. Kartashev — the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod, S. A. Smirnov — the State Controller, S. N. Tretyakov — Chairman of the Economic Council.
The newly created coalition cadet-socialist government was formed against the background of sharply risen public discontent. The end of September — the beginning of October was marked by a breadth of the strike movement. Among the major strikes were the strikes of Baku oil workers, the workers of one of the largest Yuzovsky metallurgical plant in the South of Russia, textile workers of the Ivanovo-Kineshma District. Overall during these months about 2.4 million workers took part in the strike movement. Along the way, more than 3,500 peasant uprisings were recorded.
The Russian economy, disrupted by the First World War, continued to plunge into a deep crisis. Inflation has increased. During the 8 months of the revolution, the Provisional Government issued as much money as the tsarist government during the entire period of the war. The quality of life of the population was rapidly falling. In these conditions, the sentiments in the society have become radicalized. The popularity of the Bolsheviks, which offered a decisive political program, has grown. From the end of August, mass Bolshevization of the Soviets began. On September 25 (October 8), L. D. Trotsky was elected chairman of the Petrograd Soviet. The slogan of reposing all power to the Soviets, which this time assumed the overthrow of the Provisional Government, was proclaimed again. The Bolsheviks began preparations for an armed uprising, the decision of which the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party — RSDLP (b) adopted on October 10 (23), 1917. Two days later, on October 12 (25), at a closed meeting of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies sanctioned Provision on the Petrograd Military-Revolutionary Committee, which main task was to provide military-technical training for the uprising.
The section includes welcoming telegrams to the Provisional Government from local democratic organizations, military units and individuals, which allows outlining the attitude of the nation to the new cabinet; clippings from Russian newspapers, which apart from reflecting the activities of the government, also create an overall representation of the country’s life in reviewed period; logs of the sessions of the third coalition government, etc.
- Chronicle of events
Revolution of 1917. 4. August - September
Avdeev. Nikolay Nikolaevich. Revolution of 1917. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1923; Petrograd.
T. 4: August - September. 1924.The Revolution of 1917.T. 5. October
The Revolution of 1917.Moscow: State Publishing House, [1923-1930];Petrograd.T. 5 October.1926.1 (14) – 12 (25) октября (сканы 11-86)
- Research works, recollections
October Revolution
October Revolution. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1926.Краснов П.Н. «На внутреннем фронте». Глава «Отношение к корпусу наверху» (сканы 84-87);
Дан Ф.«К истории последних дней Временного правительства» (сканы 165-173)Essays on the Russian Troubles. T. 2. The struggle of General Kornilov
Denikin, Anton Ivanovich (1872-1947). Essays on the Russian Troubles. The struggle of General Kornilov.
Paris: J.Povolozky \u0026 C °, Editeurs, 1921-1926. Paris: J. Povolotsky and Co., 1921.Глава «Военные реформы Керенского-Верховского-Вердеревского. Состояние армии в сентябре, октябре. Занятие немцами Моонзунда» (сканы 147-158)
Lidak, Otto Avgustovich. 1917 year. Moscow: Party Publishing House, 1932; Leningrad.Глава «Подготовка вооруженного восстания» (сканы 122-139)
Stages of the Great Russian Revolution
Stepnoy, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1878-1947). Stages of the Great Russian Revolution. Samara: The Steppe, 1918.Глава «Первое заседание советов российской республики. Мариинский дворец» (сканы 97-103)
History of the Russian Revolution. T. 2. The October Revolution
Trotsky. Lev Davidovich. 1879-1940. History of the Russian Revolution. Berlin: Granit Publishers, 1933.
T. 2: The October Revolution. 1933.Глава «Последняя коалиция» (о формировании Керенским нового правительства, положившего конец «тридцатидневному кризису власти», о его составе, деятельности и об общем положении в стране, в частности об ухудшающемся продовольственном положении) (сканы – 388-394)
History of the Russian Revolution. T. 2. The October Revolution
Trotsky. Lev Davidovich. 1879-1940. History of the Russian Revolution. Berlin: Granit Publishers, 1933.
T. 2: The October Revolution. 1933.Глава «Выход из предпарламента и борьба за съезд советов» (события сентября - первой половины октября, усиление позиций большевиков) (сканы 77-104)
- Correspondence
1917: private testimonies of the revolution in the letters of Lunacharsky and Martov
1917: private evidence of the revolution in the letters of Lunacharsky and Martov. Moscow: Publishing house of the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, 2005.Письма А.В. Луначарского А.А. Луначарской в период с 25 сентября (8 октября) – 12 (25) октября 1917 г. (сканы 257-274)
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Archival materials
Welcome telegrams of local councils, general meetings of employees, rural societies, volost meetings, military units and individuals to the minister-chairman of the Provisional Government and to the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies
Welcome telegrams of local councils, general meetings of employees, rural societies, volost meetings, military units and private individuals to the minister-chairman of the Provisional Government and to the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies.Письма А.В. Луначарского А.А. Луначарской в период с 25 сентября (8 октября) – 12 (25) октября 1917 г. (сканы 257-274)
Report of the Minister of War on the establishment of the Central Interdepartmental Authority for the transition of the state from military to peacetime
Report of the Minister of War on the establishment of the Central Interdepartmental Authority for the transition of the state from military to peacetime status.A note describing the activities of the State Duma of the 4th convocation, whose term of office expires in October 1917 and the decree of the Provisional Government
Note with a description of the activity of the State Duma of the 4th convocation, whose term of office expires in October 1917 and the resolution of the Provisional Government.A telegram from the military commissar of the Western Front, Zhdanov, about sending agitators to the front to fight Bolshevik influence in the army
Telegram of the Military Commissar of the Western Front, Zhdanov, about sending agitators to the front to fight Bolshevik influence in the army.The telegram of the British Embassy in Petrograd to Minister of Foreign Affairs Tereschenko about the abandonment of several English steamships at the disposal of the Naval Ministry
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
The telegram of the British embassy in Petrograd to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Tereschenko about the abandonment of several English steamships at the disposal of the Naval Ministry.An unidentified person - an Englishman with an expression of gratitude to Kerensky
An unidentified person - an Englishman with an expression of gratitude to Kerensky. - Logs of the Provisional Government meetings
Journals of meetings of the Provisional Government for June-October 1917
Journal of the meetings of the Provisional Government for June-October 19172 (15) октября (сканы 77-87)
The journals of the meetings of the Provisional Government on the conclusions of the ministerial meeting held on August 23 and October 4, 1917
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
Journals of meetings of the Provisional Government on the conclusions of the ministerial meeting held on August 23 and October 4, 19174 (17) октября (сканы 53-70)
Journals of the meetings of the Presidium of the Provisional Council of the Russian Federation
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
Journals of the sessions of the Presidium of the Provisional Council of the Russian Federation.The journals of the meetings of the Provisional Government on the conclusions of the ministerial meeting held on October 18, 1917
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
Journals of meetings of the Provisional Government on the conclusions of the ministerial meeting held on October 18, 1917 - Printed press
Cuttings from the newspaper "Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. September. Part 2
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. September. Part 2.27 Сентября (9 октября) – 30 сентября (13 октября) (сканы 128-146)
Cuttings from the newspaper "Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. September. Part 3
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. September. Part 3.Cuttings from the newspaper "Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. October. Part 2
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. October. Part 2.Cuttings from the newspaper "Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. October
Print reviews, extracts and cuttings from print (collection).
Scraps from the newspaper "The Herald of the Provisional Government" for 1917. October.Cuttings from the newspapers Rech, Novaya Zhizn, Volya Naroda, Russkaya Volya and other newspapers with notes and articles on Kerensky and the Provisional Government
Central Committee of Social and Political Education.
Cuttings from the newspapers Rech, Novaya Zhizn, Volya Naroda, Russkaya Volya and other newspapers with notes and articles about Kerensky and the Provisional Government.24 сентября (7 октября) – 8 (21) октября (сканы 354-493)
Cuttings from the newspapers "New Life", "Rech", "The Modern Word", "Russian Will" and other newspapers with articles and notes on the situation in Petrograd and the Provisional Government
Central Committee of Social and Political Education.
Cuttings from the newspapers "New Life", "Rech", "The Modern Word", "Russian Will" and other newspapers with articles and notes on the situation in Petrograd and the Provisional Government.25 сентября (9 октября)– 12 (25) октября (сканы 206-266)
Cuttings from the newspapers "Exchange Vedomosti", "Rech", "Russian Word", "New Time", "Morning of Russia" and other newspapers with notes on the internal situation of Russia and the Provisional Government
Central Committee of Social and Political Education.
Cuttings from newspapers "Exchange Vedomosti", "Rech", "Russian Word", "New Time", "Morning of Russia" and other newspapers with notes on the internal situation of Russia and the Provisional Government.26 сентября (9 октября) – 29 сентября (12 октября) (сканы 63-378)
Cuttings from the newspapers Morning of Russia, Volya Naroda, Rech, Rabochaya Gazeta and other newspapers with notes on the situation of Russia and the Provisional Government
Central Committee of Social and Political Education.
Cuttings from the newspapers "Morning of Russia", "Will of the People", "Rech", "Working Paper" and other newspapers with notes on the situation of Russia and the Provisional Government.26 сентября (9 октября) – 4 (17) октября (сканы 68-95, 131-141, 153-159, 178-180)
On the approaches to October
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich (statesman, 1888-1938). On the approaches to October. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1926; Leningrad.Глава «Октябрь: статьи из периодических изданий «Социал-демократ», «Спартак», 8 (21) октября – 12 (25) октября (сканы 121-136)
The year of the revolution (February 1917 - March 1918)
Zinoviev, Grigory Evseevich (party and statesman, 1883-1936). The year of the revolution (February 1917 - March 1918). Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1925.Глава «Перед Октябрем». Разделы: «Перед Съездом Советов, запахло новым Корниловым», «О всеобщем мире», «Иностранная политика революционной демократии», «О Съезде Советов» (статьи из периодического издания «Рабочий путь», 30 сентября (13 октября) – 4 (17) октября 1917 г.) (сканы 384-395; 405)
From February to October
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924).From February to October.[Moscow]: Partizdat the CPSU (b) 1937.Глава «Удержат ли большевики государственную власть?», написано 1(14) октября 1917 г. (сканы 169-211);
Глава «Советы постороннего», написано 8(21) октября (сканы 213-217)1917
Olminsky, Mikhail Stepanovich (1863-1933). 1917 year. Moscow: publishing house of the Communist University. Ya. M. Sverdlov, 1926.Статьи из периодических изданий «Социал-демократ», «Спартак», 27 сентября (10 октября) – 12 (25) октября 1917 г. (сканы 193-213)
- Illustrations
Oath of the Provisional Government in Petrograd
Oath of the Provisional Government in Petrograd.Portrait of the Minister of the Provisional Government KA Gvozdev
Portrait of the Minister of the Provisional Government KA Gvozdev. Petrograd, 1917.Minister of the Provisional Government AM Nikitin
Minister of the Provisional Government AM Nikitin. Petrograd, 1917.
25 Сентября (8 октября) – 30 сентября (13 октября) (сканы 275-302)