The works of A. S. Charkin
The works of A. S. Charkin
- Sculptures of A. Charkin
- For the people’s fate. 1966
"For a fraction of the people". Sculptor A. Charkin
"For a fraction of the people". Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1966]. - A student Galya. 1970
Student Gallery. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]
Student Gallery. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]. [Leningrad, between 1975 and 1980].Student Gallery. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]
Student Gallery. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]. [Leningrad, 1980]. - Portrait sculpture “Mayakovsky.” 1970
Portrait Of Vladimir Mayakovsky. Sculptor A. Charkin
Portrait Of Vladimir Mayakovsky. Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1986]. - An architect. 1972
Composition "Architect". Sculptor A. Charkin
Composition "Architect". Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1975]. - V. Arapov. 1977
Vasya Arapov. Sculptor A. Charkin
Vasya Arapov. Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1980]. - B. I. Bursov. 1977
B. i. Bursov-literary critic. Sculptor A. Charkin
B. i. Bursov-literary critic. Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1977]. - Doctor Kazansky. 1980
Portrait of a military doctor d. a. Kazan. Tree. Sculptor A. Charkin
Portrait of a military doctor d. a. Kazan. Tree. Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1980].Portrait of a military doctor d. a. Kazan. Bronze. Sculptor A. Charkin
Portrait of a military doctor d. a. Kazan. Bronze. Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1980]. - Portrait sculpture “Maluyev” in 1980
Portrait Of Boris Malueva. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]
Portrait Of Boris Malueva. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]. [Leningrad, 1980].Portrait Of Boris Malueva. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]
Portrait Of Boris Malueva. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]. [Leningrad, 1980]. - “January 9.” 1985
"1905 year (Shot)". Sculptor A. S. Charkin
"1905 year (Shot)". Sculptor A. S. Charkin. Moscow, 1985. - S. Yesenin. 1985
Sergei Yesenin. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]
Sergei Yesenin. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]. [Leningrad, 1985].Sergei Yesenin. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]
Sergei Yesenin. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]. [Leningrad, 1985].Sergei Yesenin. Sculptor A. Charkin. [3]
Sergei Yesenin. Sculptor A. Charkin. [3]. [Leningrad, 1985]. - Village teacher. 1985
Composition Teacher. (Father). " Tree. Sculptor A. Charkin
Composition Teacher. (Father). " Tree. Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1987].Composition Teacher. (Father). " Gypsum. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]
Composition Teacher. (Father). " Gypsum. Sculptor A. Charkin. [1]. [Leningrad, 1987].Composition Teacher. (Father). " Gypsum. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]
Composition Teacher. (Father). " Gypsum. Sculptor A. Charkin. [2]. [Leningrad, 1987]. - Construction female worker. 1985
"Stroitelnica". Sculptor A. Charkin
"Stroitelnica". Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1979]. - Pushkin and Natalie. 1999
Composition "Pushkin and Natalie". Sculptor A. Charkin
Composition "Pushkin and Natalie". Sculptor A. Charkin. [Leningrad, 1999].
- Bas-relief “Smolny — Bolshevik headquarters of the October Revolution.” 1973
Ленинграду посвящается // Ленинградская правда. 1973, № ... (14 декабря)
Ленинградская правда.
Трефилов, Юрий. Ленинграду посвящается. - Obelisk to the heroic city of Leningrad. 1985
Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the City Artistic and Expert Council for monumental sculpture and painting of the Main Directorate of Culture of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council dated February 13, 1985
Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the City Artistic and Expert Council for monumental sculpture and painting of the Main Directorate of Culture of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council on February 13, Leningrad, February 13, 1985.И поднимется обелиск // Правда. 1985, № ... (13 февраля)
Петров, Г.И поднимется обелиск.Glorifying your feat, Leningrad! // Evening Leningrad. № 106
Evening Leningrad.
Glorious feat of yours, Leningrad !.Operation "Obelisk". The star above the square//Leningradskaya Pravda. 1985, no. ... (9 April)
Leningradskaya Pravda.
Theol., E. Operation "Obelisk". The star above the square.Obelisk // The Leningrad truth. [May]
The Leningrad truth.
Tyutenkov, Anatoly Grigorievich (1937-1996). Obelisk.Magazine cover "Leningrad Panorama" No. 11 for the year 1985
Magazine cover "Leningrad Panorama" No. 11 for the year 1985. [Leningrad], 1985.На обложке журнала фотография обелиска "Городу-герою Ленинграду".
- Bust of Peter the Great at the Moscow Railway Station in St. Petersburg. 1993
Вождя революции сменит Петр Великий // Санкт-Петербургские ведомости. 1992, № ... (22 февраля)
Санкт-Петербургские ведомости.
Трефилов, Юрий. Вождя революции сменит Петр Великий.Чей бюст лучше? // Вечерний Петербург. 1992, № 297 (26 декабря)
Вечерний Петербург.
Петченко, С.Чей бюст лучше?.Петр Великий до востребования // Санкт-Петербургские ведомости. 1993, № ... (27 февраля)
Санкт-Петербургские ведомости.
Петр Великий до востребования.Pickets at the monument // St. Petersburg Vedomosti.1993, № 107 (May 14)
St. Petersburg Vedomosti.Dmitriev, V.Pickets at the monument.Пикеты переместились к Смольному ... и напрасно, - считают в мэрии // Санкт-Петербургские ведомости. 1993, № ... (6 июля)
Санкт-Петербургские ведомости.
Арапова, Л.Пикеты переместились к Смольному ... и напрасно, - считают в мэрии.О судьбе бюста В.И Ленину на Московском вокзале. Теперь там стоит бюст Петру I работы А. Чаркина.
Император прибыл без помпы // Вечерний Санкт-Петербург. 1993, № ... (23 июля)
Вечерний Санкт-Петербург.
Воронов, В.Император прибыл без помпы.И взошло солнце // Караван. 1997, № ... (8 апреля)
И взошло солнце.О бюсте Петру I на Московском вокзале.
Бюст Петра I на Московском вокзале в Санкт-Петербурге
Бюст Петра I на Московском вокзале в Санкт-Петербурге. - Monument to S. Esenin in the Tauride Garden. 1995
Letter to the President of the charity fund named after Sergei Yesenin A. Tukish Albert Serafimovich Charkin with a request to produce several variants of sketches to create a monument to Sergei Yesenin
Tukish, Anatoly.the name of the charity fund of the President of the letter S. Esenina A. Tukish Albert Serafimovich Charkin with a request to produce several variants of sketches to create a monument to Sergei Yesenin.St. Petersburg, December 20, 1994.Wreath to the poet // St. Petersburg bulletin. October 3
St. Petersburg State Sheets. Film Trefilov, Yuri. Wreath to the poet.Meetings with Yesenin // October highway. October 14
The October highway. Film Soloukhina, M. Meet with Yesenin.Скульпторы ссорятся, а у Есенина чуб трещит // Смена. 2005, № 10 (29 марта)
Рубцов, Никита. Скульпторы ссорятся, а у Есенина чуб трещит. - Monument to the 19th century policeman in the Russian Empire. 1998
One city in St. Petersburg has become more // Change.1998, № 117-118 (21989-21990) (May 29)
Change.Bova, Victor.One city in St. Petersburg has become more.Об открытии памятника городовому на Малой Конюшенной ул.
The city. Sculptor A. S. Charkin
The city. Sculptor A. S. Charkin. St. Petersburg, [between 1998 and 2005]. - Monument to Alexander Nevsky. 2002
The project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture"
The project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture". St. Petersburg, [between 1997 and 2001].The project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture"
The project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture". St. Petersburg, [between 2000 and 2001].Work on the project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture"
Work on the project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture". St. Petersburg, [between 2000 and 2001].Work on the project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture". At the time of recording an interview with sculptor A. S. Charkin
Work on the project of the monument to Alexander Nevsky in the workshop of the "Sculpture". At the time of the recording of the interview of sculptor A.S.Charkin. St. Petersburg, [between 1997 and 2001].By the princess velin // Evening Petersburg.2000, No. 49 (21734) (March 18)
Evening Petersburg.Gindin, Catherine (journalist).By the princess cord.Monument to Alexander Nevsky. Sculptors: VG Kozenyuk, AA Palmin, AS Charkin
Monument to Alexander Nevsky. Sculptors: VG Kozenyuk, AA Palmin, AS Charkin. St. Petersburg, [between 2002 and 2005]. - Playwrights Alexander Volodin, Alexander Vampilov, Victor Rozov in the courtyard of the “Tabakerka” Theater. 2007
The project of a monument to playwrights: a sculptural group of three figures A. Vampilov, A. Volodin and V. Rozov. Sculptor A. S. Charkin
The project of a monument to playwrights: a sculptural group of three figures A. Vampilov, A. Volodin and V. Rozov. Sculptor A. S. Charkin. St. Petersburg, [between 2005 and 2007].Monument to playwrights: a sculptural group of three figures by A. Vampilov, A. Volodin and V. Rozov. Sculptor A. S. Charkin
Monument to playwrights: a sculptural group of three figures by A. Vampilov, A. Volodin and V. Rozov. Sculptor A. S. Charkin. St. Petersburg, [between 2006 and 2007].Letter artistic director of the Moscow theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov, People's Artist of USSR, Professor OP Tabakov Albert Serafimovich Charkin, with an invitation to the opening of the sculpture of three figures of the outstanding masters of Russian
Tobaccos, Oleg P. (1935).Letter artistic director of the Moscow theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov, People's Artist of USSR, Professor OP Tabakov Albert Serafimovich Charkin, with an invitation to the opening of the sculpture of three figures of the outstanding masters of Russian playwright Alexander Vampilov Alexander Volodin and Victor Rozov.Moscow, March 22, 2007."Tabakerque" presented playwrights // Nevsky time.2007, no ... (March 28)
Nevsky time.Tishchenko, Irina."Tabakerque" presented playwrights.Act of admission of works of art for temporary storage, 17. 04. 2007, No. 1
Act of admission of works of art for temporary storage, 17. 04. 2007, No. 1. Moscow, April 17, 2007.
Бурсов Борис Иванович - (1905-1997), крупнейший российский литературовед. Основные работы посвящены творчеству А.С.Пушкина, Л.Н. Толстого, Ф.М.Достоевского, М. Горького.