- Population (demography, migration)
The history of settlement of the indigenous small peoples of the North of Yakutia in the second half of the 20th century
Filippova, Viktoria Viktorovna (Candidate of Sciences). The history of the settlement of the indigenous small peoples of the North of Yakutia in the second half of the 20th century. Yakutsk, 2004.Socio-economic factors of intraregional migration
Trubina, Albina Vladimirovna Socio-economic factors of intraregional migration.
Yakutsk, 2010.Development of socio-economic security of the population of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Sergeeva Valentina Vladislavovna.Development of socio-economic security of the population of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).Yakutsk: [b.and.], 2018.- Population Censuses
Statistical data showing the tribal composition of the population of Siberia, the language and sorts of foreigners (based on data from the special development of the material of the census of 1897). Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on th
Patkanov Statistical data showing the tribal composition of the population of Siberia, the language and sorts of foreigners (based on data from the special development of the material of the census of 1897). T. 3. Vyp. 4-9: Irkutsk, Zabaikalsk, Amur, Yakut, Primorye regions and about. Sakhalin.
St. Petersburg: [Type. Sh. Busel], 1912. St. Petersburg: [Type. Sh. Busel], 1912.Statistical data showing the tribal composition of the population of Siberia, the language and genera of foreigners. .... T. 3. Irkutsk Province, Transbaikal, Amur, Yakut, Primorsky Region. and about. Sakhalin
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T. 3: Irkutsk Province, Transbaikal, Amur, Yakut, Primorsky Region. and about. Sakhalin. 1912.The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 .. 80. Yakutsk region
The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 .. 80: Yakutsk region.
[St. Petersburg]: publication of the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1899-1905. 1905.
- Local government bodies
Mutual relations of local self-government with authorities at the regional level
Soloviev, Semyon Fedotovich Mutual relations of local self-government with authorities at the regional level.
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The Yakut regional foreign congress (1912). Protocols of the Yakutsk regional foreign congress, which took place in Yakutsk from August 15 to September 2, 1912 Yakutsk: VV Nikiforov, 1912. - Society
- Social structure
Historical and revolutionary library. Book. 19. In the Yakut captivity
Historical and revolutionary library. In the Yakut captivity.
1927. - Ethnic composition
Uraaranghai Sakhalar.T. 1.
Uraaranghai Sakhalar.T. 1. 1937.Essay on the history of the Yakut people
Tokarev, S.A. Ocher of the history of the Yakut people.Moscow: Ogiz Gos.Social-Econ.Publishing House, 1940.The collection of legalizations, rules and explanations about foreigners of the Yakut region
Kraft, Ivan Ivanovich (1859-1914). The collection of legalizations, rules and explanations about foreigners of the Yakut region. Yakutsk: Obl. type., 1912.Physiological and biological data on Yakuts
Kon, Felix Yakovlevich (1864-1941). Physiological and biological data on the Yakuts. Minusinsk: Type. VI Kornakova, 1899.Essays on the legal life of the Yakuts
Kochnev, DA Essays on the legal life of the Yakuts. Kazan: lithograph of the Imperial University, 1899.Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. 12. Russian peasants and sedentary aliens of the Yakut region
Russian Geographical Society Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. Russian peasants and sedentary aliens of the Yakut region. Film Petrograd, 1846-1917. C.-Petersburg: Typography of VF Kirschbaum, 1912.I. Yakuts in their home environment: ethnographic essay. II. From the Yakut antiquity
Troshchansky, Vasily Filippovich (1846-1898). I. Yakuts in their home environment: ethnographic essay. II. From the Yakut antiquity. St. Petersburg: Type. M-va put. messages. (tn IN Kushnerev and Co.), 1909.Property relations and normative practice for the Buryats and Yakuts in the XIX century
Vaughn Sek Boom Property relations and normative practice for the Buryats and Yakuts in the XIX century. Moscow, 2008.The national identity of the Sakha people in the context of globalization
Nikiforova, Praskovya Georgievna The national identity of the Sakha people in the context of globalization.
Yakutsk, 2010.National game as a factor in the formation of the ethno-cultural identity of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Karaseva, Galina Ivanovna (candidate of pedagogical sciences). National game as a factor in the formation of the ethno-cultural identity of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). St. Petersburg, 2012.
- Social activity
- The Great Russian Revolution
- Elections to the Constituent Assembly
The materials of the Yakutia Okrug in matters concerning elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission on the preparation of elections. Candidate lists
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Materials of the Yakutia District in the affairs of elections to the Constituent Assembly of the commission on the preparation of elections. Candidate lists.Materials of the Yakutia Okrug for Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission on the Preparation of Elections
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Materials of the Yakutia Okrug for Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission on the preparation of elections. - Discussion of the 1936 Constitution
Information report on the discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR on the Yakutsk ASSR
Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC CEC).Information report on the discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR on the Yakutsk ASSR.Generalized proposals and comments on the draft Constitution of the USSR, submitted by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Volume 5, the last
Supreme Soviet of the USSR.Generalized proposals and comments on the draft Constitution of the USSR, submitted by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Volume 5, the latter. - Public organizations
The Charter of the Yakut Sobriety Society under the Brotherhood of Christ the Savior
Yakut ecclesiastical eparchy in the name of Christ the Savior. Society of sobriety. The Charter of the Yakut Sobriety Society under the Brotherhood of Christ the Savior. Yakutsk: Regional printing house, 1914.
- Religion
Confessional culture of modern Yakutsk
Sidorova, Lena Alekseevna (Candidate of Cultural Studies). Confessional culture of modern Yakutsk. St. Petersburg, 2013.The Most Reverend Meletios, Bishop of Yakutsk and Vilyui
Khvostov Reverend Meletios, Bishop of Yakutsk and Vilyui.
St. Petersburg: type. PP Sojkina, 1894.Epic model of the world in the Yakut Olonkho: structure and semantics
Satanar, Marianna Timofeevna.The epic model of the world in the Yakut Olonkho: structure and semantics.Maykop, 2020. - Science and Education
Influence of the humanistic pedagogy of Leo Tolstoy on the development of public education in Yakutia in the late XIX - early XX centuries.
Sokolnikova, Fyokla Mikhailovna Influence of the humanistic pedagogy of Leo Tolstoy on the development of public education in Yakutia in the late XIX - early XX centuries.
Yakutsk: YSU Publishing, 2009.Map of the school network of the Yakut region with the designation of educational institutions in the city of Yakutsk Irkutsk province of the Irkutsk General General
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The map of the school network of the Yakut region with the designation of educational institutions in the city of Yakutsk Irkutsk province of the Irkutsk General General.The case of a donation to the college advisor Shchukin 60 copies of the book "Trip to Yakutsk", for gymnasium libraries
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of a donation to the college counselor Shchukin 60 copies of the book "Ride to Yakutsk" compiled by him, for gymnasium libraries.The case of the introduction of universal training in the city of Yakutsk of the Yakut region of the East Siberian training district
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the introduction of universal training in the city of Yakutsk of the Yakut region of the East Siberian training district.Programs on subjects of teaching in the labor Soviet school of the 1 st stage
Programs on subjects of teaching in the labor Soviet school of the 1 st stage. 1923. - Culture and sports
The list of minerals of the Yakut region, presented in the collection of Yakutsk [wow] of the city museum, indicating their deposits
The list of minerals of the Yakut region, presented in the collection of Yakutsk [wow] of the city museum, indicating their deposits.1910.Reporting telegram of the propaganda team of the Leningrad State University of Culture named after NK Krupskaya "Komsomolsk march" from Yakutsk
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Dynamo of Yakutia. Yakutsk, 1934-.
1933, No. 2/3 (December). 1933. - Medicine and Health Care
О болезнях между инородцами северной части Якутской области
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The Yakut ASSR. In the pioneer camp
The Yakut ASSR. In the pioneer camp. 1963.