XVIII century

XVIII century

Copies from the blessed and everlasting memory, his Imperial Majesty, Peter the First, the emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian decrees, 1719, 1720, and 1721, to the people published and from the eternal peace treatise with Sveisky crown, in the former books printed

      Russia. The Emperor (1682-1725, Peter I) Copies from the blessed and everlasting memory, his Imperial Majesty, Peter the First, the emperor and the autocrat of the All-Russian decrees, 1719, 1720, and 1721, to the people published, and from the eternal peace treatise with Sveisky crown, in former books printed.
[Moscow: Printing House of the Governing Senate, 1733].

Ништадтский мирный договор завершил русско-шведскую войну 1700-1721 гг. Заключен 30 августа (10 сентября) 1721 г.

The relics that before, and at the time of the appointment of his appointed, from his Imperial Majesty All-Russian.

      Russia. The Emperor (1682-1725, Peter I). The relics that before, and when appointed, are from his Imperial Majesty the All-Russian ..
Printed in St. Petersburg: In the office of the Senate, November 1, 1721.

Сведения о 22-ом октября (2-ом ноября) 1721 г., когда Правительствующий Сенат и Священный Синод просили Петра Первого принять титул «Отца Отечества, Императора Всероссийского» в ознаменование победы в Северной войне (1700-1721 гг.)

An extract from a prisoner eternal to a treatise between her Imperial Majesty the All-Russian, and his royal Majesty the Swedes in Abovo August 7, 1743, about salutation ...

      Russia. The Empress (1741-1761; Elizaveta Petrovna) Extract from a prisoner to an eternal treatise between her Imperial Majesty the All-Russian, and his Royal Majesty of the Swedes in Above August 7, 1743, about salutation ....
St. Petersburg: Marine Academic Printing House, Apr. 1747.

Абосский мирный договор завершил русско-шведскую войну 1741-1743 гг. Заключен 7 (18) августа 1743 г

The ratification of her Imperial Majesty by the autocrat of the All-Russia, on the treatise of the eternal peace concluded with his royal majesty and the state of Shvets in Abov, with the introduction of the whole treatise

The ratification of her Imperial Majesty by the autocrat of the All-Russian, on the treatise of the eternal peace concluded with his royal majesty and the state of Shvetsky in Abov, with the introduction of this entire treatise. [Sankt-Petersburg]: [Pec. under the Senate], [14 Sept. 1743].

Обмен ратификационными грамотами Абосского мирного договора состоялся 27 августа (7 сентября) 1743 г.

Letter from Gustav, King of Sweden, Empress Catherine II

BENKENDORFI. ALOPEUSES. Shuvalov. Benckendorff Alexander Konstantinovich, count, ambassador in Denmark, England. 18 ?? - 1916. Benckendorff Konstantin, father of AK Benkendorf, military agent in Berlin, envoy at the Württemberg court. 1817-1858. Benckendorff Konstantin Khristoforovich, grandfather AK Benckendorff, Adjutant-General, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828, the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. 1785-1828. Alopeus Maxim Maximovich, a relative of Benckendorff, an envoy in Berlin. 1748-1822. Shuvalov Petr Pavlovich, justice of the peace...
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
