On this day

On this day

Birthday anniversary of Mikhail S. Vorontsov, Russian state and military man, His Serene Highness, General Field Marshal

30 May 1782

19 (30) May 1782 in St. Petersburg was born Mikhail S. Vorontsov, Russian statesman and military leader, His Serene Highness Prince (1852), Field Marshal (1856), Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor-General (1823-1844), Governor of the Caucasus (1844-1854), member of the State Council of the Russian Empire, an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, nephew of Duchess E. Dashkova.

Birth of Mikhail A. Bakunin, Russian revolutionary

30 May 1814

18 (30) May 1814, in the village of Pryamukhino, Novotorzhsky county, Tver province in a noble family was born Mikhail A. Bakunin, Russian revolutionary, writer, one of the founders of anarchism, ideologue of populism.