Academic Council


– Academic Council Regulations

– Organizations included in the Academic Council

Report on the activities of the Academic Council in 2010-2021


Information about the Academic Council:
тел. +7 (812) 305-16-21;  +7 (812) 334-25-12


Information about the upcoming meeting

Dear members of the Presidential Library’s Academic Council!

On December 6, 2024, the 23rd the Academic Council meeting of the Presidential Library will take place in St. Petersburg, at Senate Square, 3.

The meeting will begin at 10:00 Moscow time. Both in person and remote participation (via telecommunication service) are available for members of the Academic Council and invited guests.

During the meeting, the experience of federal cultural, scientific, and educational organizations in establishing relations with regions of Russia, as well as the prospects for implementing joint scientific, educational, and cultural projects, will be discussed.

Email of the Academic Council


Information about duly constituted meetings

22nd Academic Council meeting

The 22nd Academic Council meeting of the Presidential Library took place on December 1, 2023 in St. Petersburg. The meeting was held in an in-person and remote format. It was attended by 26 council members (out of 33) and 3 experts from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Simferopol, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk.

The Chairman of the Academic Council, Director General of the Presidential Library Yuri Nosov, made a report. Speeches were also made by the heads of organizations - members of the Academic Council, as well as experts from the Russian Historical Society and the Rudomino All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature.

The exchange of experience took place on solving the problems of historical education of young people in conditions of ideological and information tension. The issues of strengthening international ties with friendly countries, developing a common cultural space and using the collections and services of the Presidential Library for these purposes were touched upon.


21st Academic Council meeting

On December 2, 2022 the regular 21st Academic Council meeting was held at the Presidential Library in a face-to-face format. The meeting participants brought together not only in the hall of the Academic Council at the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, but also thanks to video conferencing - in the cities of Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Shenzhen (PRC), Yakutsk.

Yury Nosov, Director General of the Presidential Library, made a report on “Information Support for the Activities of State Bodies of the Russian Federation by Institutions of Culture, Science, Education: Approaches and Practices”.

The topic of the report received additional coverage in the speeches of Admiral Viktor Chirkov - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy in 2012–2016, chairman of the regional public organization Admirals Club in St. Petersburg: as well as the heads of organizations associated with a strategic partnership with the Presidential Library: Director of the Russian State Archive of the Navy Valentin Smirnov, Director of the Russian State Historical Archive Svetlana Shtukova, First Vice-Rector, Chairman of the Academic Council of the University of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University Sergey Shakhrai, Rector of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture Alexander Turgaev, Director of the Fundamental Library of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia Natela Kvelidze-Kuznetsova.

Vladimir Gronsky, Director General of the National Library of Russia, Alexander Samarin, Deputy Director General for Research and Publishing Activities of the Russian State Library, Mikhail Afanasiev, Director General of the State Public Historical Library of Russia and President of the Russian Library Association, Head of the Virtual Russian Museum Service of the Russian Museum Marina Gladkikh were involved in the general debate.  

The Academic Council decided to devote the next meeting to discussing the development and use of the total collections of the Presidential Library in the context of international relations with cultural institutions of friendly countries and solving the problems of historical education.


20th Academic Council meeting

The 20th Academic Council meeting took place at the Presidential Library in a face-to-face and distance format on December 17, 2021. The meeting participants who gathered in the Academic Council hall and the virtual space in the cities of Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Shenzhen (China) were presented with a Report on the Council's activities over the period of its existence since 2010.

A report on the main directions of modernization of information systems of the Presidential Library based on the domestic hardware and software technological platforms was made by acting Director General of the Presidential Library Pavel Gennadievich Tereshchenko.

Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Konstantinovna Tereshchenko, representative of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, spoke about the key aspects of legal regulation of access to information in the context of digitalization.

The implementation of the decision taken at a joint meeting of the scientific councils of national libraries on June 23, 2021 was announced by the Director (for information resources) of the Presidential Library Elena Dmitrievna Zhabko.

The discussion was attended by Honorary Member of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library Alexander Pavlovich Vershinin, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Joint Russian-Chinese University Sergei Mikhailovich Shakhrai, Director General of the Russian State Library Vadim Valerievich Duda, Rector of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture Alexander Sergeevich Turgaev, Director of the Russian State Historical Archive Svetlana Viktorovna Shtukova, Deputy Director General for Research of the National Library of Russia Vladimir Rufinovich Firsov, Director of the Fundamental Library of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia Natela Nodarievna Kvelidze-Kuznetsova.

The Academic Council devoted its regular meeting to discussing the issues of improving the information, analytical and technological support of the Presidential Library for the activities of state authorities in the Russian Federation.


National Libraries held a Joint Academic Council marking the Year of Science and Technology

June 23, 2021 the Russian State Library, the National Library of Russia and the Presidential Library held a joint Academic Council, where they discussed the development of library science. The decision to hold the joint council was made at the XXIV meeting of the Cooperation Council of National Libraries, held on December 21, 2020. The Joint Academic Council was held for the first time. Participation in the meeting of the Academic Council was carried out in a remote format.

Directors General of national libraries V. V. Gronsky, V. V. Duda, P. G. Tereshchenko addressed the members of the Academic Council with welcoming words. In his welcoming speech, Director General of the Presidential Library P. G. Tereshchenko noted the importance of combining the efforts of national libraries to implement the "Strategy for the Development of Libraries for the Period until 2030", outlining the special role of the Presidential Library in addressing the challenges of digital transformation of librarianship.

An expert scientific and methodological session "Issues of integration of participants in educational projects of the Presidential Library" was held on April 16, 2021 as part of the activities of the Presidential Library's Academic Council.

The session was held in face-to-face and remote format using videoconference mode.


19th meeting of the Academic Council

In connection with the implementation of measures to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in 2020, the 19th meeting of the Academic Council of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library was held in the form of absentee discussion of the agenda and remote voting on the draft decision from December 15 to December 31, 2020.


Academic Council

- discussed the report "On the implementation of the Development Concept of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library" for the period up to 2020, recommended by the decision of the Presidential Library Academic Council of April 11, 2014, and approved its main provisions;

- took note of the information on the implementation of the plan of expert meetings with the participation of employees of organizations and institutions represented in the Academic Council of the Presidential Library for 2019-2020, as well as on the results of the I contest of student works (projects) using the information resources of the Presidential Library.

Heads and authorized representatives of 24 organizations of the 45 members of the Academic Council represented in the Academic Council of the Presidential Library took part in the meeting in absentia. In responses to the materials sent out for the meeting, the need to continue cooperation with the Presidential Library was emphasized. The support for the draft decision of the Academic Council was expressed.

In particular, Director of the Library of the Academy of Sciences I. M. Belyaeva, Rector of the Ural State Law University V. A. Bublik, Director General of the National Library of Russia A. P. Vershinin, Rector of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University I. R. Gafurov, First Vice-Rector of the St. Petersburg State University E. G. Chernov highly appreciated not only the results of the implementation of the Presidential Library Development Concept (2014–2020) in the context of strategic partnership, but also concrete successes in the implementation of joint projects.

The meeting participants proposed to expand remote access to the resources of the Presidential Library, develop services related to the use of digital content, and when planning the activities of the Academic Council and in matters of interagency cooperation in 2021, be guided by the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On holding the Year of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation "Dated 25.12.2020 No. 812.

The decision of the Academic Council was adopted unanimously.


18th Academic Council Meeting

The Presidential Library hosted the regular, eighteenth, meeting of the Academic Council on October 10, 2019. The main issue on the agenda was the discussion of key areas of the Presidential Library development strategy up to 2025. Director General of the Presidential Library Ilya Bykovnikov spoke at the meeting.

It was noted that the strategic development of the Presidential Library in terms of library and bibliographic activities was associated with the continuation of the course to grow the collections and maintain theme diversity. In addition to adding four basic collections - “State Authority”, “Territory”, “People”, “Russian Language”, and other already formed ones devoted to historical events, memorable dates, statesmen and public figures, special attention will be paid to the most popular among users themed areas. One of the priorities will remain the systematic updating of collections which spotlight the history of Russian regions, the current state of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the context of the overall development of Russian statehood. In this regard, the cooperation of the Presidential Library with the leading cultural institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - central libraries, archives, local history and art museums, historical and architectural reserves and others will receive a new impetus. With the participation of these fund holders at the regional centers of access to the resources of the Presidential Library, it is planned to hold a creative contest for the best representation of the region in the collections of the Presidential Library. It is expected that this will allow combining digital copies of unique documents and material objects in one collection. It was also noted that collaboration with museums to create films dedicated to the revival of cultural and historical monuments, which began with projects implemented by the Presidential Library in Novgorod and Pskov Regions and other regions of Russia will be continued.

It is also supposed to actively develop cooperation with libraries, archives and museums in foreign countries.

At the meeting of the Academic Council was emphasized that the strategic development of the Presidential Library in terms of information and scientific information activities will be provided, first of all, by a deeper scientific examination of documents selected for digitalization, wide involvement of experts to develop concepts for electronic collections, scientific annotation and commenting on the documents contained in them. In this regard, cooperation of the Presidential Library with leading federal universities and institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences will gain a new impetus.

Participants of the meeting paid special attention to the role of scientific, educational and cultural lines of activity in achieving the strategic development goals of the Presidential Library. The key approach here will be updating traditional and testing new promising projects. Thus, Russia in the Electronic World Olympiad for schoolchildren will be added with a new discipline: since October 1, 2019 - “Russian as a foreign language” (for foreign citizens over 14 years of age studying Russian), from September 1, 2020 - “Informatics”. The project "Multimedia Lessons" will also be developed. It is planned to increase their interactivity and manufacturability. Undergraduate students of pedagogical universities will be invited to participate in the development of lessons (the first partner of the Presidential Library will be the Herzen State University of Russia). Updating formats and contents will also affect “Knowledge of Russia” video lecture, the Presidential Library’s Cinema Club and other projects. It was also noted that materials from the Presidential Library’s collections, due to cooperation with the Prosveshcheniye Educating Holding will be included in textbooks developed in a number of disciplines.    

One of the topics of discussion at the Academic Council meeting was the provision and regulations on the contest of student works (projects) using the information resources of the Presidential Library. The purpose of the contest is to promote historical knowledge about Russia, to promote the electronic collections and electronic resources of the Presidential Library on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, on issues of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, to create conditions for revealing the creative abilities of students, and to develop partnerships with universities. Among the nominations - the best course or final qualification / diploma work using the electronic collections and resources of the Presidential Library, the best project on the methodological development of a multimedia lesson for students of secondary educational institutions, the best work in the field of “historical journalism”. The contest is open, students can participate in it, regardless of citizenship, place of residence and course of study.

The experience gained by the Presidential Library’s specialists and the license for educational activities received in 2019 will allow to start implementing new projects for training citizens on advanced training programs and professional retraining in the field of library science, information technology and others using their own and attracted resources.

Members of the Academic Council were presented several new historical and cultural projects planned for the implementation in the coming years. It is expected that one of them will combine systematic electronic documents on unique monuments of Russian architecture and history - kremlins and fortresses - as symbols embodied in stone for the consolidation of Russian statehood over a vast territory for many centuries. The project is planned to be implemented in collaboration with museums and museum reserves in Astrakhan, Zaraysk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, Tobolsk, Tula and several other cities. The project is designed for a long time, it also includes video lectures, multimedia lessons, conferences, the publication of scientific and information materials, the creation of virtual tours and popular science films as well as other types of activities. Another project is “The Year of Memory and Glory: Victory. 75”, which is supposed to be developed with the help of volunteers and with the active participation of the regional network of the Presidential Library. It is aimed at collecting, systematizing, describing, storing and presenting digital copies of materials about the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 from personal archives of citizens, archives of regional media and other sources mainly from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Academic Council scheduled to discuss next the development of the Presidential Library's branch network; prospects for growing the collections, systematization and use of electronic resources of historical and legal subjects from the collections of libraries, archives, museums; new partnership projects in the field of culture, science and education.


17th Meeting of the Academic Council

On April 19, 2019 the 17th (enlarged) meeting of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the institution, was held.

Director General of the Presidential Library Ilya Leonidovich Bykovnikov spoke at the meeting with the report “The Strategic Partnership of the Presidential Library in the Electronic Knowledge Space of Law, State, Russian: Experience and Prospects”.

The report highlights the main results of the Presidential Library’s activities since its opening in 2009. The largest electronic storage fund exceeded 770 thousand storage units (including more than 360 thousand copies of archival documents). The portal contains 270 electronic collections on the subject established by the library charter: history, theory and practice of the Russian statehood, Russian language, which are constantly growing. The number of digital copies of photographic documents (more than 20 thousand storage units) and audiovisual works (newsreels, documentaries and feature films, video lectures, video tours, and much more) is increasing in the fund.  

The Presidential Library provides wide access to the national storage fund through the Internet portal (over 2 million unique visitors of the website were registered in 2018), its electronic reading room, as well as an increasing network of remote electronic reading rooms (1000 remote e-reading rooms are open in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation; in 30 countries abroad - 38 centers of remote access). The library is committed to improving the quality of the work of its regional centers, strengthening their information and technology base, and actively engaging in activities organized by the library in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Tyumen.

The number of partners of the Presidential Library is increasing: there are more than 1,000 cooperation agreements with federal, regional and municipal authorities, libraries, archives, museums, educational institutions, the media and foreign organizations. Much attention is paid to educational and cultural projects: conferences, excursions, video lectures and cinema club meetings, electronic contest for pupils "Russia in the Electronic World", multimedia lessons and many others - only in 2018 more than 25 thousand events were held. The publishing activity of the institution is actively developing. Dozens of publications devoted to the history of Russia, theory, history and practice of Russian law, issues of presentation and preservation of the national cultural heritage in the electronic environment have been issued. The results achieved over the decade are planned to be actively developed by the library team together with partner organizations.

The meeting participants shared the experience of cooperation of their organizations with the Presidential Library, expressed many ideas and proposals aimed at further implementing the mission of the Presidential Library and solving its statutory tasks.

One of the decisions taken at the meeting was a recommendation to organize a competition for teachers and educators in the formation of universal competencies of students using the information resources of the Presidential Library.


The 16th Meeting of the Academic Council

The 16th Meeting of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library was held on October 5, 2018. 

The agenda considers the following issues: web archiving and standardization of registration, description and storage systems, electronic registration of museum collection, mobile scanning of cultural heritage items,  joint projects of the Presidential Library and higher education institutions, implementation of the trilateral agreement between national libraries.

The meeting brought together the following speakers: Mikhail B. Piotrovsky - Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Irina M. Belyaeva - Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Library, Nikita Yu. Anisimov - Rector of the Far-Eastern Federal University, Alexander  S. Turgayev - Rector of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, Valentin V. Sidorin - Acting Director General of the Presidential Library, Mikhail D. Rodionov - Deputy Director General of the Russian State Library and other members of the Academic Council and experts.

Representatives of strategic partners of the Presidential Library from Arkhangelsk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Simferopol, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk and other cities attended the meeting or joined it via video conferencing. 


15th meeting of the Academic Council

On April 20, 2018, the 15th meeting of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library, where were discussed topical issues of systematization of legislation on the formation of a unified Russian electronic knowledge space, was held. 

The Director General of the Presidential Library Alexander Vershinin delivered a report. He stressed an extremely urgent task in the conditions of the development of the information society. Particular importance to these issues is attached at the state level: the head of the Presidential Library listed a number of basic documents on this issue, starting with the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2014.

"It should be also noted that the basis of the unified Russian electronic knowledge space should be not only digitized book, archival, museum funds, integrated into the National Electronic Library, but also national electronic archives in various fields of knowledge and spheres of creative activity. The government is recommended, in particular, to supplement the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" with the task of forming a unified Russian electronic knowledge space based on both the National Electronic Library and national electronic archives".

However, the normative acts regarding the creation of such archives, as well as the general concept of "electronic archive", still await their development and adoption. Many of the speakers on the Academic Council spoke of the backlog of legal support for current processes in the field of digitalization in the cultural sector.

"The inclusion of legal information in this space, which is an important part of the spiritual heritage of any nation, is of great importance in the formation of a unified Russian electronic knowledge space", - said Stanislav Vavilov, first deputy director of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "Our institute can provide substantial assistance in legal and methodological support, including expert work in the process of forming a unified Russian space of knowledge".

Alexander Vershinin for the first time presented a member of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library, the pro-rector of the Moscow State University, the chairman of the Board of Directors of the non-profit higher educational institution "University of Moscow State University-Polytechnic Institute in Shenzhen", PRC, Professor Sergei Shakhrai. He has been cooperating with the Presidential Library for several years. So, Sergei Mikhailovich supervised the work on the creation of the Electronic Museum of the Constitutional History of Russia. One of the authors of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shakhrai, calling the Presidential Library the keeper of the constitutional history of Russia, transferred new documents to the virtual museum of the institution.

At the meeting of the Academic Council, the Director for Information Resources of the Presidential Library, Elena Zhabko, presented the translation into Russian of the international standard "METS" - "Standard for Coding and Transmission of Metadata". It was stressed that the formation of a common space of knowledge was based on the application of a number of protocols, standards, one of which is METS.

During the meeting it was also noted that the Presidential Library, with the support of the partner organizations that make up the Academic Council, devotes considerable attention to the development of methodological approaches to selection for the collection of electronic resources, including such new for library acquisition types as electronic exhibitions, scientific educational videos, audio and video documents and others. To this end, methodological recommendations were developed for the preservation and use of audio-visual information on the theory and practice of Russian statehood, the Russian language as the state language.

The Academic Council considered the Plan of events of the Presidential Library related to the formation of the electronic knowledge space and recommended it for implementation within the framework of cooperation agreements concluded with the numerous partners of the Presidential Library among the institutions of science, culture, education, public authorities, local government and public organizations.


14th meeting of the Academic Council

On October 6, 2017, the 14th meeting of the Academic Council, dedicated to the preservation and the use of audiovisual resources using modern information technologies, was held.

The meeting was attended by representatives of federal institutions of culture and education located in the cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Simferopol, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk (including video-conferencing mode).



13th meeting of the Academic Council

On April 14, 2017, the 13th meeting of the Academic Council, dedicated to the legal aspects of preservation and use of electronic information resources of archives, libraries, museums, was held.

Chairman of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library, Director General, Doctor of Juridical Sciences Professor A. P. Vershinin, opening the meeting, noted that the Academic Council of the Presidential Library considers, first of all, conceptual methodological issues which are important for the development of both the library itself and the institutions represented in the Academic Council by their leaders. At the April meeting of the Academic Council, issues of legal regulation in the electronic environment are traditionally considered, and in October, issues of integration in the electronic environment of information resources of libraries, archives, museums, mass media, public authorities.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the institutions of St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Simferopol, Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk (including video-conferencing mode).


12th meeting of the Academic Council

On October 6, 2016, the 12th meeting of the Academic Council was held, opening which the Director General of the Presidential Library, Professor, Doctor of Juridical Sciences Alexander Vershinin noted the breadth and thoroughness of the discussion of the Presidential Library's Recruitment Profile, regulating the nature of this internal document, drew attention to the specifics and complex long-term, profile for the Presidential Library, multimedia projects "Electronic Museum of the Constitutional History of Russia" and "Presidential Chronicle". Members of the Academic Council were informed about the methodological developments of the Presidential Library, the nearest scientific and educational activities of the institution.

The meeting was attended both internally and remotely, thanks to the use of information and telecommunications technologies, representatives of most of the institutions whose leaders are part of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library.


11th meeting of the Academic Council

On April 15, 2016, the 11th meeting of the Academic Council, where topical issues of strategy and tactics of improving legislation on information and library activities in the digital environment were discussed, was held.

The keynote speech was made by K. N. Knyaginin, a leading researcher of the Presidential Library. He spoke about the positions of the main interested groups (civilian scientists, scientists and educators, library workers) and the complexity of their "synchronization" in lawmaking, the need for the development of specialized legislation that facilitates access to scientific and educational materials in the electronic environment, and presented arguments in favor of the need to create a professional expert body for the participation of professional lawyers in the preparation of "library" draft laws already at the initial stages. It was decided to arrange a special working group to further develop this line of business.


10th meeting of the Academic Council

On October 2, 2015, the 10th meeting of the Academic Council, where issues on the directions of studying electronic libraries and improving their skills in the field of their creation were considered, was held. The report on the topic "Electronic Library in the System of Scientific Knowledge" was made by the Chief Researcher of the Presidential Library, Doctor of Historical Sciences, P.V. Fedorov.

He drew attention to the discrepancy between the passport of the scientific specialty 05.25.03 "Library Science, Bibliography and Book Studies" to the modern tasks of the development of the information environment in general and electronic libraries in particular, showed the relevance of the interdisciplinary approach and proposed the introduction into the system of training and retraining of specialists in applied fields developed at the base of the Presidential Library.


9th meeting of the Academic Council

April 17, 2015, the 9th meeting of the Academic Council, focused on the legal issues, included in the electronic collections of the Presidential Library of modern publications, was held. With the report on the topic "Electronic resources of libraries and some issues of improving modern Russian legislation" was made by a leading researcher, acting Director of the Reserve Center of the Presidential Library K. N. Knyaginin. He outlined the main problems in providing free access to knowledge in the electronic environment and presented possible solutions.


8th meeting of the Academic Council

On October 1, 2014, the 8th meeting of the Academic Council was held, where leaders and specialists from leading universities, libraries, archives, museums, scientific research organizations of the country took part, including, for the first time, the leaders of the State Film Fund of Russia, the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. The meeting covered mechanisms for the collections of the Presidential Library in the context of the development of national electronic resources.


7th meeting of the Academic Council

On April 10-11, 2014, the 7th meeting of the Academic Council was held. The meeting covered the provisions of the current legislation on copyright in the creation and the use of electronic scientific and educational resources. The participants in the discussion came to the conclusion that it was necessary to prepare and amend the copyright legislation that would ensure the interests of the society with regard to scientific and educational information. Also, the draft Concept for the Development of the Presidential Library for the period until 2020 was recommended for approval, the concept of the new library project "Presidential Chronicle" was presented, it was suggested to discuss the issue of creating domestic encyclopaedic Internet resources and to develop access to small-circulation scientific publications.


6th meeting of the Academic Council

October 23-24, 2013, the 6th meeting of the Academic Council was held. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Russian History and the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as manufacturers of electronic educational resources took part in its work. The meeting was devoted to the implementation of the Law on Education with regard to the requirements for providing the educational process with electronic information resources and technologies.