Regional and foreign network

The Presidential Library has formed interregional and foreign information network. The institution acts as a cultural, educational, scientific and multimedia center due to opening remote access centers in Russia and foreign countries.

In accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2007 No. 326-rp the branches of the Presidential Library should be established in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Today, the Presidential Library has opened over 1700 remote access centers on the territory of the Russian Federation.

63 remote access centers of the Presidential Library are open abroad in 35 countries. The centers are based on Russian centers of science and culture and national libraries. Visitors to the Presidential Library have opportunity to deal with the catalogs of these libraries and gain access to the world's intellectual and cultural values becoming participants in a variety of projects.


Contact information:

Regional network coordination department

Protocol and international cooperation department



Regional network

Specialists of Crimean Regional Center of Presidential Library prepared slide review dedicated to Christianization of Rus'

26 July 2024

On the Day of Christianization of Rus', experts from the Crimean Regional Center of the Presidential Library, based at the Franco Crimean Republic Universal Science Library, presented a slide show called "How Orthodox Russia Was Born", which covered the key stages of Russia's convertion to Christianity and the establishment of Christianity as the state religion.

Resources of Presidential Library for financial education of children and youth of Chuvash Republic

23 July 2024

Librarians from the Chuvash Regional Center, based on the National Library of the Chuvash Republic, participated in the interregional competition for libraries and school information and library centers called We Are Friends with Financial Literacy. The competition was organized by the Regional Center for Financial Literacy, which operates under the State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education in Lipetsk Region, the Institute for Educational Development. Representatives from seven regions of Russia took part in the competition.

Foreign network

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity celebrated in India

9 July 2024

The Russian Houses in Mumbai and New Delhi, on the eve of the Day of Family, Love, and Faithfulness, held a solemn ceremony to present medals "For Love and Fidelity" to citizens of Russia and other countries who have been married for 25 years or more and are known for their strong family foundations based on love and loyalty.