The Presidential Library to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center

20 May 2021

On May 20, 2021 at 19:00, the Presidential Library will host a gala evening "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow...", devoted to the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center.

It is symbolic that the anniversary concert will take place in the Presidential Library: the cooperation of the two institutions has been going on for more than one year. The laureates of international contests for young opera singers and young vocalists by Elena Obraztsova have repeatedly performed at the Senate Square, 3. A concert "Musical Youth of Russia" was organized with the participation of laureates of the All-Russian contest of vocal and instrumental art of the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center, and the last one took place in St. Petersburg lifetime anniversary concert in honor of the 75th anniversary of one of the greatest opera stars in the world.

The Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center, located in the very heart of St. Petersburg, on Nevsky Prospect, 65, has been formed with the aim of musical education of the residents of the native city for the singer, including holding master classes, vocal contests and classical music festivals.

The upcoming gala evening in the Presidential Library will bring together friends and colleagues of Elena Obraztsova, her students and fans, young performers and laureates of her contests. Among them are People's Artist of Russia, artistic director of the St. Petersburg House of Music Sergei Roldugin, Concert Choir of St. Petersburg conducted by Vladimir Begletsov, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Vaneev, soloists of the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theater, laureate of the XII International Contest of Young Opera singers Elena Obraztsova Grigory Chernetsov and Antonina Vesenina, Honored Artist of Russia Maria Lyudko, pianists Mikhail Shekhtman and Maria Chernova, laureates of contests for young vocalists Elena Obraztsova and the All-Russian contest of vocal and instrumental art for the Prize of the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center. The program includes arias, romances and songs by Russian and foreign composers.   

Congratulations and musical greetings from friends and colleagues of the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center will be delivered.  

The event will be broadcast live on the Presidential Library's portal in Live broadcasts section, on the official page on the VKontakte social network and on the institution's YouTube channel, as well as on the Kultura.RF portal.


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