The Presidential Library and the National Library of Russia to present an unique collection of printed music

3 October 2013

October 3, 2013 at 15:00 p.m. the Presidential Library will host the first in 100 years performance of musical works composed by the members of the imperial Romanov family, written before 1913. The concert will be held as part of the presentation of the reprint edition of musical collection of works, "The House of Romanov. 400th anniversary." The materials which it includes are reissued for the first time since the revolution.

The collection contains facsimiles of rare and antique printed music with the works by the members of the royal family. The second volume includes "Bolero," "Commemorative Cantata" and many more works written by the Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna. These works were warmly received both by the members of her family and by musical circles of St. Petersburg. Members of the royal family were not only making music, but also composed poetry. It is known that the Grand Duke Konstantin under the pseudonym K. R. wrote such heartfelt poems so that the best Russian composers wrote music for it. Composer Edward Napravnik composed romances "A breath of the bird cherry", "May has returned" - printed music of these and other small masterpieces are published in the second volume.

The unique edition “The House of Romanov. 400th anniversary " - a joint project of the Presidential Library and the National Library of Russia - has already become a bibliographic rarity.

The book will be a source of new discoveries for musicians all over the world and if they wish it will substantially replenish their repertoire.

October 3, as part of the presentation, the leading musicians of the St. Petersburg Chamber Choir and the State Symphony Orchestra of St. Petersburg, Horn Orchestra, the State Conservatory in the Great Hall of the Presidential Library will perform for the first time the works that were considered lost and forgotten and that received a second life thanks to the cooperation of the two national libraries of Russia.

The Presidential Library website will provide live broadcast of the presentation and the concert. The beginning is October 3 at 15:00 p.m.

Accreditation of mass media:, tel. 8-981-747-73-44 - Olga Erofeeva