“Russia in the digital world” Olympiad for school students starts in the Presidential Library

30 November 2016

From September 21, 2016 until November 30, 2016, the Presidential Library holds the “Russia in the Digital World” annual interactive school Olympiad on history, social studies and Russian language, which is supported by the Herzen State Pedagogical University.

For the seventh year in a row the Presidential Library offers absolutely all high school students across Russia and from the foreign countries to try their hands in solving the problems of the Olympiad. In contrast with school competitions, the “Russia in the Digital World” Olympiad is open to all comers, regardless of their performance and place of residence, including foreign nationals and stateless persons. The Olympiad is held annually from September to March and includes three phases, two of which are going distantly. This format allows covering all regions of Russia and even the neighboring countries - to participate in the competition is only necessary to complete a simple registration on the Presidential Library website. The third and final stage is traditionally held on-site: the most capable and competent students will meet in St. Petersburg in the Presidential Library, ether its branch in Tyumen, or on the venues of the remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library in other cities of our country.

The competent jury, which will include authoritative scholars and professors of St. Petersburg universities, will evaluate the students’ knowledge. The winners and awardees will receive prizes and gifts from the Presidential Library.

In addition, since 2013 the Presidential Library’s Olympiad on history and social science is included in the list of competitions for school students, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Thus, the winners and awardees of the Olympiad in history and social studies will be eligible to preferential admission to higher education institutions. Information about the winners of the Olympiad is also provided to the universities, which enable the “Russia in the Digital World” Olympiad in their admission regulations and offer the winners additional benefits for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs.