History of Russia abroad: Anniversary of the Alexander Suvorov’s Alpine campaign marked in Switzerland

27 September 2010
Source: Izvestiya

On September 24 2010 the ceremony marking the 211th anniversary of Alexander Suvorov’s Alpine campaign took place not far from the site of famous battles. People from Russia and Switzerland paid tribute to courage and determination of soldiers of the Russian Army – fellow fighters of the general Alexander Suvorov, who perished in the fights while crossing of Alps in 1799.

Representatives of the Russian and Swiss sides laid wreaths to the 12m memorial cross, engraved on the rock, which was set up to mark the place where Suvorov’s troops finished their heroic crossing of Alps from Northern Italy to Switzerland. According to Igor Bratchikov, Ambassador of Russia to Bern, "example of Suvorov is immortal", the general "was and still remains a model to follow, spiritual mentor for the growing generation – students of military academies".

The diplomat expressed gratitude to friends in Switzerland for their energetic efforts intended for protection of Confederation of memory of the great general. A case in point is a grandiose theatrical performance under the open sky based on the events which happened two centuries ago. It was organized this summer and attracted a keen interest in Switzerland. Whereas in the city of Altdorf, at the historical house, where on September 26 1799 was found the General Headquarters of Suvorov, on the initiative of Swiss public in the beginning of September was officially opened the “Suvorovtsy” (Suvorov Military School students) Foundation.