Internet and society: The academy of culture Google to implement joint projects with the Ministry of Culture of Russia

29 April 2013

April 26, 2013 the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V. Medinsky held a meeting with the Vice-President of Google in the region of Southern and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa L. D’Azaro Biondo.

During the meeting there was a presentation of projects of the Academy of Culture of Google as part of which is held the large scale work on digitization of cultural and art objects and historical archives.

The Minister discussed with K. D’Azaro Biondo a number of issues related to the joint development projects. In particular, there was discussed the creation of digital cultural space dedicated to the theme of development of Russian space and work on the modernization of the web site («Культура. РФ»).

The Vice-President spoke in detail about the development of Google and YouTube, related to the improvement of the legislation on the protection of intellectual property on the Internet. At the meeting it was decided that the Ministry of Culture of Russia will assist the company in developing a balanced approach to innovative management of intellectual property in the digital age.