Exhibitions: The exhibition of new acquisitions “Cartogtaphy-2014” presented at the Russian State Library

28 February 2015

Until March 6, 2015 the Department of cartographic publications of the Russian State Library holds in its reading room at the Pashkov House (Moscow) the traditional annual exhibition of new acquisitions "Cartography 2014: domestic and foreign atlases and maps received in the library in 2014". The exhibition presents a large and varied collection of contemporary domestic and foreign atlases and maps.

The exposition includes complex, ecological, historical, astronomical and other special atlases.

It is also represented tourist atlases and maps, cartography road transport, city plans, guides, educational cartography, maps, electronic optical discs, additions to auxiliary and reference fund department: literature on cartography, domestic and foreign periodicals.

Among foreign maps and atlases there are documents from Spain, which were given to the Spanish National Library by the RSL. Traditionally, several maps and atlases come from Latvia and Lithuania, where the traditions retain high-quality cartographic production. New documents from Asia, of which it should be noted an interesting reference book "China", designed specifically for the Russian visitors. From Arab countries there is just one, but a very interesting edition: Atlas of the Arab countries with the latest statistical information on 22 countries - from the natural environment to the economy.

There was a group of eco-geographic atlases and documents of various regions of our country. A very unusual and interesting edition is "Art and history of the globe" - a large study of globes from around the world, the author of which had long worked at the Museum of globes in Vienna.

Among the new books in the cartographic department of toponymic directories, the interest has recently increased. For the second year in a row here regularly comes next volume "Historical Cartography" - so the new line of research, which opened a few years ago in the Institute of World History of the RAS.