Memorable dates of Russia: Celebration of the Day of Christianization of Rus’ in Sevastopol

28 July 2015

July 25-26, 2015 in Sevastopol are held events to celebrate the Day of Christianization of Rus’.

July 26 in the National Reserve "Chersonese" was opened the exhibition "". The project was initiated by the Russian Academy of Arts and is being implemented jointly with the National Reserve "Chersonese", Simferopol and Crimean diocese.

July 27 at the Museum of Kroshitsky took place the opening of the express-exhibition "Crosses and folding" of the museum funds to the Day of Christianization of Rus’ (bronze, casting).

July 28 is held the vigil at St. Vladimir Cathedral in Chersoneses, the delegation meeting of the Kazakhstan and Kuban Archdiocese; laying flowers at the Eternal Flame at the Memorial of heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942; the evening gala concert in the square of St. Vladimir's Cathedral.