Museums and society: Moscow Kremlin Museums presented new acquisitions of orders and medals in honor of the Day of the Heroes of Fatherland

11 December 2015

December 9, 2015 at the Grand Kremlin Palace in the framework of the solemn events dedicated to the Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "The Moscow Kremlin" held the presentation of the Imperial Russian orders and medals of the Russian Empire, arrived in the museum's collection. During the presentation, Director General of the Moscow Kremlin Museums Elena Gagarina presented awards to President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

In the course started by the President of the company's repatriation of museum objects, auctioned in 1920-30, the Russian patrons purchased and donated to the Moscow Kremlin Museums 104 unique monuments. This flow is an extremely important addition to the collection of orders and medals of the Russian Empire, both on the level of artistic performance, and because of exclusivity and importance of individual items.

"In consequence of this collection in the Armoury, our collection takes on a whole new level. This event is the most important in the history of not only the formation of the Moscow Kremlin Museums' collection, but also the whole of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation", - said Elena Gagarina. During the presentation, she highlighted the two monuments that museum experts attribute to the level of state regalia - a chain of the Order of the White Eagle, made for the coronation ceremony of Emperor Nicholas I in the Catholic rite in the Kingdom of Poland on May 12, 1829 and the badge of the Order of St. Andrew from smoky quartz, made most likely for Catherine II or her successor.