History of Russia: The second edition of information and patriotic directory “City of Victory” is to be issued

26 June 2016

Interstate Union of hero-city is preparing the second edition of enlarged edition of Information and patriotic guide "City of Victory", which will include articles by President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

It is supposed to add material about the importance of the Great Victory over fascism in our time, information on anniversary events in each city. The publication "City of Victory" will provide an opportunity to show their achievements as much as possible, to talk about the prospects for development, to adequately represent the respectable and honorable citizens of the Victory Cities, to introduce a wide range of readers with the city of valor and glory. The editorial board of the edition "City of Victory" believes that the availability of the publication in the libraries, veteran and youth organizations, the presentation on the iconic event will be a worthy contribution to the patriotic education of Russian citizens.

Let us recall that in January 2015, President of Russia Vladimir Putin set the task to expand in all regions of good, competent, organized educational activities for the protection of the truth about the events of the Second World War, 1939-1945.

The first edition of patriotic awareness "City of Victory", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War Victory 1941-1945, was dedicated to the perpetuation of military and labor feats of the Fatherland defenders and inhabitants of cities in opposition to the fascist invaders. The book includes material on the history of the "City of Victory": City of Heroes, City of Military Glory and Cities Labor Valor and Glory, stories about the courage of soldiers and citizens during the war, as well as information and materials on social and economic status and prospects of development of cities and regions, the Federation, in which they are located.