The first publication of the regional newspaper Krasny Sever in 1931

19 April 1931

The first issue of the regional newspaper Krasny Sever was published in 1931. The history of the newspaper began with a small leaflet Rybak (Fisherman) in 1930. Travelling editor teams were popular in the 1930s – 1940s. Their work was as follows: the editorial office of a newspaper sent a small group of journalists to factories, villages and collective farms to publish an agitation or combat leaflet. The topics of the house magazines were the struggle for the quality of products and the growth in labour productivity.

In Yamal, an agitation leaflet had its theme. During this period, Yamal launched the first fish factories, and the first newspaper "fought" for high catches and fresh state of fish, the quality of product. It all gave the name of the newspaper - Rybak (Fisherman). The first travelling editor team in Yamal, sent by the Sovetsky Sever (Soviet North) newspaper, worked from July to October and published 28 issues. The Scientific Library of Tobolsk preserved the set of the Rybak newspaper for 1930. The struggle for product quality, social competitions are quite expected topics of the leaflet. Already the first issue of 1930 raised the issue of creating a regular publication.

In the spring of 1931, a group of journalists went to Yamal to create a regular regional newspaper. On April 19, 1931, the Obdorsk District Executive Committee appointed Vladimir Syropyatov the chief editor of the new newspaper Rybak. On September 15, 1931, the newspaper Nyaryana Ngerm (Red North) was launched on its basis. The fish industry newspaper turned into an official gazette of the national territory (Organizational Bureaus of District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Regional Executive Committee and Trade Union Council). Since then, the publication became regular.

In the 1930s, the editorial board took part in the creation of a network of wall newspapers in Salekhard and remote sites. It organized the work and training of the country's journalists. In the 1930s - 1950s, the newspaper had two names - Krasny Sever and Nyaryana Ngerm, because part of the material was in the Nenets language. Later, the publication was divided into separate editions.

In the 1960s - 1980s, the exploration of the Yamal mineral resources and the fuel-energy complex development were the leading topic of the newspaper. Mobile editors of Krasny Sever worked at the northern construction sites; the newspaper issued bulletins of the socialist emulations and expanded the string correspondents’ network. In 1981, the circulation of the edition reached 14,500 copies. In 1941 it was 3,000 copies, 1971 - 9,500. The editorial staff received a prize from the Union of Journalists of the USSR for active participation in the development of the Medvezhye and Urengoyskoye gas fields and the movement of the country press network. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Krasny Sever became a weekly edition of 16 pages.

Today Krasny Sever remains the leading regional publication. Besides the main weekly edition with a circulation of 9,000 copies, the newspaper publishes 6,000 copies of a special issue with the decisions of the Governor and the administration of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Territory, as well as regional issues in Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym. Regular sections are Chronicle, Panorama, Public Interest, Politics, Economics, Culture, etc.

The newspaper received the Certificate of Merit of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. It is a laureate of press festivals in Kursk, Novosibirsk and the winner of the "All Russia - 98" Contest. The editorial board was awarded the sign "The Fourth Authority: For Services to the Press''. In recent years, the newspaper is a regular winner of All-Russian festivals and exhibitions. The Union of Journalists of Russia awarded Krasny Sever with a diploma and the Big Gold Medal for its great contribution to the social development of Siberia. In 2006, 2007, 2010, Krasny Sever received the title of the "Golden Fund of the Russian Press''. In 2010, 2013, it became the winner of the prestigious writing journalists contest "Golden Gong". In 2016, the Union of Journalists of Russia and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation declared Krasny Sever the best Rusian regional newspaper.


Lit.: Бешкильцев А. Самое главное дело // Северяне. 2016. № 1. С. 36–39; Бояркин В. От Тюмени до Салехарда // Печатные СМИ Тюменской области: век XIX–век XXI. Тюмень, 2013. Т. 1. С. 64–73; Волошин В. На том и стоять будем! // Северяне. 2006. № 2. С. 4–5; «Красный Север»: (к 75-летию со дня выхода первого номера) // В помощь краеведу: материалы к календарю знаменательных и памятных дат Тюменской области на 2006 г. Тюмень, 2005. С. 37–39; Лобызова О. Рублепад от Палыча, или Старейшина ямальской журналистики // Северяне. 2016. № 1. С. 44–46; Мохнова Т. "Красный Север" с Любовью // Красный Север. 2005. 19 ноября. С. 18; Мохнова Т. Они служили времени и слову // Тюменские известия. 2006. 15 апреля. С. 3; Патрикеев Н. Б. Помню всех поимённо // Северяне. 2016. № 1. С. 31–35; Петрова О. А. «Красный Север» // Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Тюмень, 2004. Т. 2: И–П. С. 154; Самовская Н. Согласно приказу // Красный Север. 2005. 2 ноября. С. 17; Сытник О. Главная загадка ямальских СМИ // Ямальский меридиан. 2013. № 4. С. 116–119; Сытник О. Язвительный листок // Ямальский меридиан. 2014. № 4. С. 66–68.


From the Presidential library materials:

Красный Север: орган Ямало-Ненецкого окружкома и Салехардского горкома ВКП(б), окружного и городского Советов депутатов трудящихся. Салехард. 1944–1945