Birthday of Soviet statesman, participant of the formation of Soviet power in Tyumen Georgy Permyakov

4 May 1894

On April 22 (May 4), 1894, Georgy Permyakov, a Soviet statesman, participant of the formation of Soviet power in Tyumen, the first chairman of the Bolshevik Tyumen City Council, the first provincial commissioner for military affairs, was born in Tyumen in a working-class family.

As G. P. Permyakov recalled, his family lived poorly, he could only study for a year and a half, and from the age of 11 he began working in Tyumen shipbuilding workshops. Later he worked at a sawmill, and then at the Nizhneisetskiy plant (now the Yekaterinburg district).

In February 1915, G. P. Permyakov was mobilized to army, and in the spring he was sent to the front. In 1917, he was wounded and in May, after receiving a vacation ticket at the hospital, he came home to Tyumen. There were lots of soldiers on leave in the city at that time who participated in the revolutionary events. G. P. Permyakov actively supported the Bolshevik Party and participated in the organization of Soviet power in the Tobolsk province. The soldiers elected him chairman of the committee of veterans of Tyumen. During this period, the oratory and organizational talents of G. P. Permyakov appeared. His speeches were received by soldiers and workers with great enthusiasm.

In August 1917, G. P. Permyakov became a member of the Bolshevik group, which was part of the united organization of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party (RSDLP). In September of the same year, he was elected a member of the Tyumen Council of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies.

The October Revolution made adjustments to the balance of power in the province: prominent figures of the monarchist movement came to Tyumen from Moscow and Petrograd. They had authority and had good experience in political struggle. To strengthen Bolshevik influence, an independent Bolshevik party organization of Tyumen was organized in December 1917. G. Permyakov joined the first Tyumen Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Bolsheviks) (RSDLP (b)). After selection of the resolution "All power to the Soviets!" on January 5, 1918 by the Tyumen Council, G. Permyakov was elected Council's chairman. In this position, his organizational qualities were fully manifested, he became a prominent propagandist of the Bolsheviks and a famous speaker of Tyumen.

The situation in Tyumen in the winter and spring of 1918 was alarming. The RSDLP (b) Committee gave G. Permyakov tasks related to the mobilization of workers to protect the city from the advancing units of the White Army. As a result of his efforts, Red Guard detachments were formed in Tyumen and Tobolsk province, and then parts of the Red Army. In April 1918, at the general Provincial conference of Soviets, G. Permyakov was elected a member of the provincial Executive Committee and appointed provincial military commissar. In May of the same year, he joined the Tyumen Military Operational Headquarters, and then, after its liquidation, the Military Revolutionary Headquarters of Western Siberia.

Working in the newly created bodies of Soviet power, G. P. Permyakov showed himself to be a brave fighter and an excellent organizer. These qualities were especially evident in July 1918, when, with the offensive of the Czechoslovak corps, the evacuation of Soviet institutions from Tyumen was carried out and the defense of the city was organized.

After the departure of the Red Army units from Tyumen in 1918-1919, G. Permyakov worked first in Moscow, and then as head of the commission of the Supreme Military Inspection on the Southern Front. After the decisive victories of the Red Army on the Eastern Front and the liberation of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen, the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) sent G. Permyakov to the Siberian Revolutionary Committee (Sibrevkom).

After the liberation of Omsk by the Red Army troops, G. P. Permyakov worked in responsible positions in the Omsk Provincial Revolutionary Committee and the Sibrevkom (August 1919–January 1920). On January 19, 1920, he became a member of the presidium of the Omsk provincial Executive Committee, and then chairman of the Omsk City Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (GK RKP (b)) (January 1920–June 1920).

Wherever G. P. Permyakov worked, he always carried out the assigned task responsibly. In 1921-1925 he was elected as chairman of the Tula City Council of Deputies for three times, while he combined several positions. He was deputy chairman of the Gubernatorial Executive Committee , chairman of the Tula Organization for International Assistance to Fighters of the Revolution, a member of the Russian Central Committee of the International Organization for Assistance to Fighters of the Revolution of the USSR (CC MOPR) and a member of the Russian delegation of this international organization to the Comintern at the same time.

G. Permyakov was self-taught, but he was always trying to get a systematic education. From 1926 to 1927 he studied at the Communist Academy at the courses of Marxism at the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (Central Committee of the CPSU (b)). After graduation, from 1928 to 1939 he worked at the National Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR, later at the National Commissariat and the Ministry of State Farms of the USSR. In addition, he held the post of chairman of the Commission under the Council of National Commissars of the RSFSR on the construction of Red Army collective farms in border areas. In 1950-1955 he was the State arbitrator at the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Ministry of State Farms of the USSR.

Being an avid bibliophile, G. Permyakov collected a rich library, which he later bequeathed to his hometown. Now these books are stored in the collection of the Mendeleev Tyumen Regional Scientific Library.

G. Permyakov died in 1965 in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


Лит.: Зусман Ю Ссыльный в Городе на мысу. И слесарь, и оружейник, и большевик // Полярный круг. 2014.24 июля; Каримов В. Военкоматы, рождённые в боях // Тюменские известия: [электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:; Рощевский П. И. Г. П. Пермяков Тюмень, 1957; Рощевский П. И., Никифорова М. Н.Г. П. Пермяков // Борцы во имя светлого будущего: к пятидесятилетию Советской власти. Тюмень, 1967. С.4–8; Сергеева О. Пермяков: факты о легендарном человеке и улице // Вслух о главном. 2019. 8 мая. С. 10; Скипина И. В. Убеждённые и покинутые: о большевиках, участниках событий 1918–1921 гг. в крае, чьи имена носят улицы Тюмени // Тюменский исторический сборник: Выпуск 5. Тюмень, 2002. С.115–122; Скипина И. В., Московкин В. И. Документы участника революционных событий Г. П. Пермякова в составе объединённого фонда личного происхождения Государственного архива социально-политический истории Тюменской области // Вестник архивиста. 2019.№1. С. 259–269.

Архивные материалы: ГАСПИТО. Ф. 4012. Оп. 2; РГАСПИ. Ф. 17, Оп. 8, Д. 352; РГАСПИ. Ф. 17, Оп. 9, Д. 1905; РГАСПИ. Ф. 17, Оп. 114, Д. 362


Based on the Presidential Library's materials:

Разговор с первым председателем Совдепа: [интервью с Г.П. Пермяковым] // Тюменская правда. 1957. № 234 (3427). 5 октября. С. 2 (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Фатеев А. Рядовой революции // Тюменская правда. 1962. № 263 (4983). 6 ноября. С. 2 (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Рощевский П. Первый председатель, первый комиссар // Тюменская правда.1964. № 112 (5441). 13 мая. С. 4 (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Занималось утро новой жизни: [архивные документы за подписью Г.П.Пермякова] // Тюменская правда. 1967, № 14 (6260). 17 января. С. 3 (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Навсегда с партией // Тюменская правда. 1967. № 259 (6504). 2 ноября. С.3 (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Фатеев А. Председатель Совдепа // Тюменская правда.1977. № 123 (9421). 27 мая. С. 3 (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Никифорова М. Губернский военком: к 85-летию со дня рождения Г. П. Пермякова // Тюменская правда. 1979. № 99 (10002). 28 апреля (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Ретунский В. Председатель // Тюменская правда. 1986. № 171 (12174) 26 июля (Доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Тюменская область: страницы истории: [цифровая коллекция]

The article has been prepared by the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library