Elisabeth of Russia was crowned

6 May 1742

April 25 (May 6) 1742, at the Assumption Cathedral of Moscow Kremlin, took place the coronation of the Russian Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter I and Catherine I. The celebrations had lasted two months and were distinguished by an unprecedented luxury.

As a result of a palace coup on November 24 (December 6) 1741, Elizabeth of Russia ascended the imperial throne. Exactly five months later, the Empress of Russia was crowned. A Chief Marshal and a Master of Ceremonies were specially assigned to arrange the celebrations. When developing the script of the celebrations, the list of state regalia was enriched with the national flag, the state sword and shield. Coronation cortege of the Empress including a dozen carriages, decorated with gold, brocade, velvet, surrounded by hundreds of horsemen, moved slowly to the Kremlin down the streets bordered with regiments holding flying colors. Persian and Turkish carpets were hanging from the windows of houses.

For the coronation of Elizabeth a new imperial crown had been specially made. The empress laid upon herself the robe and the crown, handed over to her by Archbishop Ambrose, as regalia belonging to her by direct inheritance. After the greetings and salutations, which lasted three days, began balls with masquerades, Italian opera, fireworks and dinners. During the meal in the Faceted Chamber, sang the Italian Choir located in the corners of the room. From May to June in Moscow were magnificent balls, masquerades. 7 (18) June, the last day of the coronation celebrations, the festival ended with a brilliant illumination. 

In 1744 the staff of the Engraving Chamber of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, completed their work with the ceremonial album. The book contains the description of the coronation, the description of the drawings (prints) and the exposition (description of the fireworks). The album’s frontispiece features the portrait of Elizabeth made in accordance with the original by French painter L. Caravaque, made in the "black style" by I. Shtenglin.

The Coronation album of the Empress Elizabeth has been prepared by the best academic engravers of the time: H. Wortman, J. Staehelin, I. Sokolov, G. Katchalov. The publication contains the description of the coronation ceremony, engravings from the drawings of I. Grimmel on the topics of the coronation ceremony, the images of imperial costumes and jewels, and a portrait image of the Empress.

The Coronation album of the Empress Elizabeth is a masterpiece of domestic engraving art, sumptuous sample of artistic illustration of the Russian book of the 18th century.


Lit.: Маркова Н. Об истории создания коронационного альбома императрицы Елизаветы Петровны // Третьяковская галерея. 2011. № 1 (30). С. 4—21; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.tg-m.ru/img/mag/2011/1/004-021-elizaveta.pdf; Тредиаковский В. К. Императрице Елизавете Петровне в день Её коронования // Избранные произведения. М.; Л., 1963. С. 135—140.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Empress Elizabeth Petrovna: [digital collection];

Обстоятельное описание торжественных порядков благополучнаго вшествия в царствующий град Москву и священнейшаго коронования ея августейшаго императорскаго величества всепресветлейшия державнейшия великия государыни императрицы Елисавет Петровны самодержицы всероссийской, еже бысть вшествие 28 февраля, коронование 25 апреля 1742 года. СПб., 1744;

Фирсов Н. Н. Вступление на престол императрицы Елизаветы Петровны. Казань, 1887.