The Imperial Novorossiysk University (I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University) founded

13 May 1865

On May 1 (13), 1865 in Odessa was founded the Imperial Novorossiysk University on the basis of Richelieu lyceum (today the I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University, Ukraine).

At the beginning the University had three departments: History and Philology; Physics and Mathematics; Law. The fourth department – of Medicine – was opened in 1900. The first chancellor of the University was professor I. D. Sokolov.

In different time in the University worked such eminent scholars as: I. I. Mechnikov, the Nobel Prize laureate; I. M. Sechenov, the founder of the Russian physiology; D. K. Zabolotny, the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of science, academician and microbiologist; V. I. Lipsky, academician and botanist; O. O. Kovalevsky, biologist; F. N. Shvedov, physician; M. D. Zelinsky, a member of the USSR Academy of Science, the founder of the world famous chemists and organics; F. I. Uspensky, a member of the Russian Academy of Science and the USSR Academy of Science, historian and archeologist; V. P. Tsesevich, a corresponding member of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Science, the founder of Odessa planetarium, astronomer; V. I. Grigoryevich, Slavicist; D. K. Tretyakov, zoologist; O. N. Krishtarovich, geologist; L. V. Pisarzhevsky, chemist and many others.

In 1920 the Novorossiysk University was reorganized into a series of Institutes: of the people’s education; of social education; of physics, chemistry and mathematics; of professional education. In 1933 it was restored under the name of Odessa University.

For the outstanding merits in educating specialists the University was awarded with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1965; in 1978 it was put on the list of the leading USSR Universities.

On the basis of the University departments were founded the majority of the higher education institutions at the south of Ukraine: Odessa State Medical University; Odessa State Economical University; Odessa National Law Academy.

In 1989 under the University was restored a lyceum on the basis of school N 36. In 1991 the lyceum was given its former name – of Richelieu.

On September 11, 2000 under the Ukraine president’s decree the Odessa State University was given the status of national one.

Today the I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University is preparing the specialist in 20 different areas and of 41 professions. The University includes 4 Institutes: of Mathematics, Economy and Mechanics, Social Science and Postgraduate education; and 10 departments: historical, philological, Romance-German philology, economy and law, biology; geology and geography, chemistry, physics and pre-university training.

The University scientific library created in 1817 is one of the oldest and largest scientific libraries of Ukraine. Under the University there are also: Botanical gardens; Geology and Mineralogy Museum; Zoology Museum; Paleontology Museum; Astronomy observatory; Research Institutes and laboratories.


Lit.: Записки Новороссийского университета. Т. 1-113. Одесса, 1867-1913; Записки Новороссийского университета. Официальный отдел. Вып. 1-8. Одесса, 1909-1916; О форме одежды студентов Императорских российских университетов: С.-Петербургского, Московского, Казанского, Харьковского, св. Владимира и Hoвоpoccийского: Высочайшее повеление 8 мая 1885 г. // Журнал Министерства народного просвещения. Ч. CCXL. 1885. Июль. С. 1-2; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL:; Самойлов Ф. А. Новороссийский университет в воспоминаниях современников: к 135-летию Одесского университета. Одесса, 1999.