City of Tobolsk was founded in Siberia

14 June 1587

4 (14) June 1587 in Siberia, at the confluence of the Rive Tobol and the River Irtysh was founded the city of Tobolsk.

In autumn 1582 the Cossack Ataman, Vassiliy Alenin, known as Ermak, defeated the army of Kuchum, opening the way to Siberia. In 1587, by decree of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich, archers and Cossack servitors under the command of governor Daniel Chulkov founded the city of Tobolsk on the high bank of the River Irtysh. By the beginning of the 17th century, it became the capital of Siberia. And in 1708, according to the reform of Peter I, Tobolsk was made the administrative center of the vast Siberian Province, which included the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

Through Tobolsk went trade routes from the European part of Russia to China and the Central Asia. More than 50 cities and provinces traded with the Tobolsk. Most often to the Tobolsk market came merchants from Velikiy Ustyug, Salt Vychegda, Vyatka land, Kazan and Moscow.

In the period from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th centuries Tobolsk was a major cultural, educational and spiritual center of Siberia. In 1620 in the city was established the largest Siberian diocese, chronicles were written there, the first in Siberia Slavic-Russian school opened there, in 1789 opened the first printing press in Siberia, where the first Siberian magazine "Irtysh evolving into Ippocrene" was published. An important factor in the cultural life of the city were educational institutions – q seminary and the main public school (gymnasium).

Located at the crossroads of trade routes; Tobolsk for centuries had been developing as a center of traditional crafts - carved bone and wood, jewelry. The first professional bone carving workshops  opened in the second half of the 19th century. Currently in Tobolsk is operating the factory of art carving products.

Over the years, in Tobolsk lived and worked prominent figures of Russia - "Siberian Lomonosov" U. S. Remezov, philosopher Yu. Krizhanich, Metropolitan Filofei Leshchynski, historian P. A. Slovtsov, artist V. G. Perov, poet and storyteller P. P. Ershov, composer A. A. Alyabyev, scientist D. I. Mendeleyev. From the walls of Tobolsk Kremlin set off expeditions of such pioneers as Semen Dezhnev, Yerofei Khabarov, Fedot Alekseev, Vitus Bering. Tobolsk also remembers the stay of the Decembrists – V. K. Kuchelbecker, A. N. Murav'ev, I. A. Annenkov, M. A. Fonvizin and others.

History of Tobolsk is closely linked with the fate of the royal Romanov family. In early August 1917 the family of the abdicated Russian Emperor was sent to Tobolsk. On arrival they were installed in the house of the former governor. This is from where the royal family was taken to Yekaterinburg to certain death. In commemoration of this event in the governor's house has been recreated a study of Nicholas II.

Tobolsk is a unique city, a monument of stone and wooden architecture of Siberia. The city has 16 cathedrals, monastic and parish churches. The most significant architectural complex is the only stone Kremlin in Siberia, whose construction began in 1699 under the project and under the guidance of a native of Tobolsk, S. U. Remezov. The real pearl of the Tobolsk Kremlin is the first stone church in Siberia, the Sofia Cathedral of the Assumption.

Tobolsk - a major historical center of Russia, in 1999 was included in the list of historical cities. The reason for this was a rich cultural heritage of Tobolsk and its suburbs. More than 200 historical and cultural monuments are registered by the state, 35 of them are objects of federal significance.

Currently, Tobolsk is one of the most beautiful cities of Russia. The city remains the cultural and educational center of Siberia. It houses a lot of important social and cultural institutions: the oldest in Siberia Drama Theater n. a. P. Ershov, the Tobolsk State Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve, the Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute n. a. Mendeleev, a branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The combination of unique monuments and grand buildings of modern industry attracts many tourists to Tobolsk.

The modern Tobolsk has great prospects in the industry development. For 2015-2016 there is scheduled the launch of the largest petrochemical complex, the most powerful in Europe.


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Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Голодников К. Город Тобольск и его окресности: ист. очерк.Тобольск, 1886;

Знаменский М. С. Исторический окрестности города Тобольска. Тюмень: Изд. А. А. Крылова, 190;

История Сибири: [Ч. 1-2] / сост. В. К. Андриевич. СПб., 1889;

Карта Тобольской губернии [карты]. [СПб., 1911];

Крылов А. Наследник цесаревич Николай Александрович в Тобольске. Тобольск, 1891;

Найдёнов Н. А. Тобольск: материалы для истории города XVII и XVIII столетий. М., 1885;

Описание Тобольской губернии. Пг., 1916;

Рассказы о Западной Сибири или о губерниях Тобольской и Томской, и как там живут люди: с рис. И картой Сибири. Изд. 2-е, доп и перераб. М., 1998.


The material provided by the branch of the Presidential Library in Tyumen region