Industrialization paths.1930. № 11-12.

Individualization paths: Polit. Econ.journal: Body of the Presidium of the Highi USSR.- Moscow, 1928-.-.I. USSR.Supreme Council of the national economy (until 1932).Presidium.1.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen1930. No. 11-12: Two-week Ecoun.journal- ed.gas."For industrialization", 1930. -116 p.: Tab., Il .. -Content: Socialist Industry - Leading link: Advanced.Performing a five-year plan of industry and our tasks / K. Butayev.Electrification and mechanical engineering / B. Kuznetsov.For new forms of labor organization (about production teams and communes) / T. Tirsbanurt.Industrialization and social.Reconstruction of the economy of the USSR / I. Kuzminov, [and others].- a substrateNote.and in the text..-6000 copies.1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
Publisher Изд. газ. "За индустриализацию"

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