Notes on Russia made by Eric Palmkvist in 1674

Notes on Russia made by Eric Palmkvist in 1674 = Några Observationer Angande Ryssland = SOME Observations Concerning Russia: [Album] / [Sweden State Archive, Slavici University of Slavicism, St. Petersburg.Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences;[Preparation, adaptation of the text to the modern Swedish language: E. Lefstrand, W. Birghegard and L. Nordkvist;Translation into Russian G. Kovalenko].- Moscow: Lomonosov, 2012. -340, [3] p.: il., maps, pl .. fax., col.Il., cards;22x25 cm. -The text is parallel in Russian, English and Swedish.The content also has: an illustrated book about Russia in 1674 in the State Archive of Sweden / K. Tarkianen.The composition of Eric Palmkvist in Russia and Sweden / G. Kovalenko.- With silk.Liesse.The book is dedicated to a unique source of information about Russia of the second half of the 17th century - the illustrated report of the Swedish military intelligence officer Eric Palmvist.The report, usually called the Palmkvist album, is an Infolio manuscript containing 53 drawings of various formats, 16 geographical maps and cities, as well as notes and explanations for them.This publication includes the original text of the album in the early Novoshwa language and its translations into Swedish, Russian and English, description of the manuscript, the principles of reproduction and translation of texts, glossary in the Swedish, Russian and English languages, as well as a decrease in the "Palmokvista album" (88full -color pages).The preparation of the publication was carried out in close cooperation with the St. Petersburg Institute for the History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Literature, History and Antiquities, the Faculty of Slavicism of the Stockholm University, and the faculty of modern languages ​​of the University of Uppsal.-500 copies.-Isbn 978-5-91678-127-4 (in the per.).I. Palmkvist, Eric.II.Lepstrand, Elizabeth.III.Kovalenko, Gennady.IV.The State Archive of Sweden (Stockholm).V. St. Petersburg Institute of History. 1.Territory (collection).2. RUSSIA (collection).3. Russia - history - reviews of foreigners - 17th century.- Albums.4. Russia - foreign geographical maps - albums.5. Russia - description and travel - 17th century.- Albums.BBK 63.3 (2) 45ya6Source of electronic copy: LLC "Publishing House" LomonosovOriginal storage location: LLC "Publishing House" Lomonosov
ISBN 978-5-91678-127-4
Publisher ЛомоносовЪ
Catalogue object