Historical and literary research and materials.T. 2. From the history of the ancient Russian story

Peretz, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1870-1935).Historical and literary research and materials: T. 1, 3.-St. Petersburg: Type.F. Weissberg and P. Gershunin, 1900-1902.-2 t.;22.-(Notes of the Historical and Philology Faculty of Imperial St. Petersburg University).-Before the head.Aut.: V.N.Peretts..Electronic copy source: PBT. 2: From the history of the old Russian story.1, rumors and rumors about Patriarch Nikon in the literary processing of writers of the XVII-XVIII centuries.- Type.Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1900. -[2], 68 s .. -Part of the text for Church Slavs.ulcer.Bibliogr.In the settling.Note .. - Dep.Ott.From the news of the branch of the Russian language and the literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, vol. V (1900), book.1, p.123-190.- Ex.: With a manpower.litter..I. Nikon (Patriarch) .1.People (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNB
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