
L.N.Tolstoy: biography, characteristics, memories: (life. Personality. Creativity): Collection of articles: P.I.Biryukova, V.V.Kallash, prof.V.F.Lazursky [et al.].- Moscow: Type.Rus.T-va, 1910. -3-165, [1] p., 8 l.Portr., Il.: Il.;25 x 17.5 cm. - (Russian past; ser. 3.1).-On the region: Sat.T-va "Education".Ex.: With a handle.litter..I. Lazursky, V.F. II.Sergeyok, P.A. .. III.Timkovsky, N.I. .. IV.Biryukov, P.I. .. V. Kallash, V.V. VI.Tolstoy, L.N .. VII."Education", publishing house (Petersburg) .1.Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher тип. Рус. т-ва

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