Military-geographical and statistical description of the Odessa Military District.Ext.1. Dep.2. The value of the district is str...

Military-geographical and statistical description of the Odessa Military District.- Odessa: [B.I.], 1905-1913.-.I. Odessa military district.Economic Society of Officers. 1.Power (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political HistoryExt.1: Dep.2. The value of the district is strategically: its unit for theaters and areas, depending on their properties and military significance;Dep.3. Detailed viewing of the district by theaters and districts / comp.Based on materials, Sobr.officers gene.headquarters, etc. Commission.From the gene.headquarters of Colonel Parsky and Captains: Voskresensky and Cheremisinov;Under the general.observation of okr.Privateurmaster General of the Headquarters Odessa.military.County Major General Martos.1, Western theater: 1) Bessarabian district.- Type.Headquarters Odessa.military.District, 1905. -[2], II, 284 p.;26 x 21 cm. -Bibliogr.In the settling.Note .. - Secret.- Ex.: Without region, with a manpower.droppings, def.: p.15-16 are absent..I. Cheremisinov.II.Martos.III.Parsky.IV.Voskresensky.1.Power (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher Тип. Штаба Одес. воен. округа

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