Russian chronicle from the Resurrection list donated to the Voskresensky Monastery by Patriarch Nikon in 1658

Russian chronicle from the Resurrection list donated to the Voskresensky Monastery by Patriarch Nikon in 1658. - Санктпетербург: При Имп. Acad. Sciences, 1793-1794. - 4. -
Ed. under the supervision of S.K. Kotelnikov.
The circulation of each part is 560 copies.
The first pub. Voskresensky list of Russian. annals. Resurrection annals with different meanings. in the "Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles" (T.7 and 8. St. Petersburg, 1856 and 1859).
I. Kotelnikov, Semyon Kirillovich (1723-1806). II. Academic printing house (St. Petersburg).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher При Имп. Акад. наук