Handwritten story about the vision of Cosmas hegumen. 1688

Handwritten story about the vision of Cosmas hegumen. 1688 / Comp. and ed. I. Golyshev, the son. Island: History and antiquities grew. and Moscow. archaeologist. ... - [Death. ed. ...]. Golyshevka, near the village Mstera: V. Georgievsky, cens. 1898. - [2], 13 pp., 21 liters. yl. ; 42. -
On the tit. l. Date: 1893; on the region: 1894.
Tit. l. and silt. litrogr. in Golyshevka in lit. I. Golysheva; text baked. in Vladimir in the type. Lips. edit.
With. 1-5: "Foreword of the publisher: In memory of IA Golyshev / [Soch.] V. Georgievsky." - Ott. from the "Vladimir Gubernia Ved." 1898, No. 27-30.
I. Golyshev, Ivan Alexandrovich (1838-1896).
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher В. Георгиевский

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