Materials for the bibliography of Siberia. [Issue. 1-14]

Mameyev, Stepan Nikolayevich (1859-1939).
Materials for the bibliography of Siberia: Index of publications published in 1893: Year 2-nd / Comp. S.N. Mameyev, member of the corr. Moscow. bibliograms. Cup. - Tobolsk: Type. Lips. board, 1893. - 22 cm. -
In the ed. 1892 г. zagl .: Index of books on Siberia, published in 1892
1. Territory (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: TIAMZ
[Issue. 1-14]. - 1893. - [55] p. Sec. pag .. -
Bibliograf. in the text. - Ex .: without a domain
1. Territory (collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: TIAMZ
Publisher типография Губернского правления
Catalogue object