The Presidential Library reveals heroic history

21 March 2014

The Presidential Library presented in its electronic collections unique books of the XIX and XX centuries, dedicated to the glory of the city of Sevastopol, and strengthens cooperation with the Crimea.

The edition of 1872 "History of Sevastopol as Russia port", printed in St. Petersburg, is based on the documents of the Senate and the State Council. As stated in the book, "essay has a historical description of Sevastopol area under Russian military port". The fact that this area has always been in the field of view of Western countries is mentioned in the description "Good for the siege of Sevastopol and its Anglo-French", released in 1855. The book, as mentioned in the preface, is "a brief sketch of Sevastopol, at which attention is currently drawn. For the destruction of Sevastopol two strong European states sent elite troops in large numbers, but their ongoing destructive methods to crush the infernal stronghold of Sevastopol are meaningless and insignificant even against insurmountable resistance and hardness of the Russian army".

In the book "The attitude of the Emperor Nicholas to Sevastopol" of 1873 is presented his personal, hand-written letters from Prince Alexander Menshikov and Mikhail Gorchakov, heads of the city's defense. Emperor appeals to them personally very warm. Menshikov wrote: "Tell our fellows, sailors, I hope for them on land and at sea. No one lose heart, to remember that we - Russians, protect our homeland and faith". "Tomorrow I bless for hiking my younger sons, make them good, loyal servicemen and I answer for their zeal", - said in a letter to Gorchakov.

An outstanding heroism of soldiers, manifested during the Great Patriotic War in the defense of Sevastopol, is revealed in unique digitized newsreels, which is located in the first electronic national library of Russia. Digitized materials are made by military cameramen in 1941-1942. In 1943 was published a book "Defense of Sevastopol: from the battle the experience of the Great Patriotic War". The edition tells about three attempts to capture the city and in detail describes the heroism of its defenders. "Despite the overwhelming superiority in manpower and equipment, all the attacks of the German hordes broke on the resistance of Soviet troops and the population. Defense of Sevastopol, a city-fighter, enters military history", - says the publication.

Today the Presidential Library, performing the task of forming electronic collection on the history of Russian statehood, not only systematized the actual material on the history of the Crimea, which today make up storage of 1670 units, but also actively expanding cooperation with the country in view of the Crimea and the people accepted the political leadership making Russia. Today the relevant document at the website of the Presidential Library features a contract between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on admission in the Russian Federation the Republic of Crimea and the formation in the Russian Federation of new subjects, signed March 18, 2014.

Already now the libraries of Sevastopol and Simferopol are included in educational work of the Presidential Library, they get materials for planned video lectures, conferences and other events. The research department of the library for the Crimean colleagues compiled a list of legal documents relating to librarianship, which should pay attention to work effectively.

The Crimean libraries will be provided with methodological assistance and reviewed the technical capabilities of their connection to the resources of the Presidential Library. It is also planned to fill the shortage of literature on law, history of Russia, the Russian language, which in recent years were not equipped.