Herald of civil law. G. 5 1917, No. 3/5

Herald of civil law. - St. Petersburg: MM Vinaver, 1913-1917
G. 5 1917, № 3/5. - 1917. - 179, [3] p. -
Contents: MI Brun (1860-1916) and the science of private international law in Russia / B.E. Nolde. The contract of mixed gift / AA Simolin. The material and procedural legal basis of the doctrine of the distribution of the burden of proof / TM Yablochkov. Sources of civil law in the Bessarabian province / G. F. Blumenfeld. Civil Chronicle / MM Vinaver. Regular questions in the literature of civil law. The form of the arbitration transaction / B. V. Popov. Note: Gratuitous conduct of civil cases on the right of poverty / DM Meichik .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Civil law - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 67.404я52
E-copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher М. М. Винавер
Catalogue object