Law issues. [G. 3] 1912, Book. 9 (1)

Law: Journal of Scientific Jurisprudence. - Moscow: GS Feldstein, 1910-1912
[G. 3] 1912, Book. 9 (1). - 1912. - 222 p. -
Contents: Reform of the Senate / S. A. Korf. Admissibility of change of claim / V. M. Gordon. Judicial power / NN Rozin. Obligations in the Draft Verkhovna Rada Charter / bar. AL Freitag-Loringoven. The right of assembly in Germany / A. V. M. N. Gernet. Infanticide. Moscow, 1911. / SV Poznyshev. PI Lublinsky. Essays of a criminal court and punishment in modern England. St. Petersburg, 1911 / LM Zaitsev. Doctor of Medicine N. N. Bazhenov. Draft legislation on the mentally ill and an explanatory note to it. (Report to the 1st congress of psychiatrists convened by the Union of Russian Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists in memory of SS Korsakov in Moscow from September 4 to 11, 1911). Moscow, 1911. / N. N. Golubev. IK Sukhoplyuev. Lomonosov's views on population policy. St. Petersburg, 1911. A separate print from the Lomonosov collection, p. 163-234 / NN Golubev. N. F. Kapterev. Patriarch Nikon and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Two volumes. Sergiev Posad, 1909 and 1912 / Sergei Shumakov. NP Druzhinin. The right and personality of the peasant. Yaroslavl. 1912 / TM Yablochkov. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Legal Sciences - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 67я52
E-copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher Г. С. Фельдштейн
Catalogue object