Law issues. G. 1 1910, Book. 1

Law: Journal of Scientific Jurisprudence. - Moscow: GS Feldstein, 1910-1912
G. 1 1910, Book. 1. - 1910. - 203, [5] p. -
Contents: Alexander Fedorovich Kistyakovskiy / S. Muromtsev. The doctrine of the head of state as a sovereign body in the modern constitutional monarchy / AS Alekseev. Realization of the right of inheritance / VL Isachenko. Reform of peasant land ownership and civil law / A. E. Worms. Modern international position of the pope in connection with the idea of ​​inter-state law (jus inter potestates) / Bar. M. A. Taube. On the changes in the Berlin Treaty. Criticism and bibliography / Gr. LA A.Kamarovsky. A. A. Chuprov. Essays on the theory / BA Kistyakovskiy. VI Gerier. Architects and devotees of the "kingdom of God." Part 1. Blessed Augustine / SA Kotlyarevsky. Prof. Baron B. E. Nolde. I. Sketches of Russian constitutional law. II. Council of Ministers / S. A. Kotlyarevsky .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Legal Sciences - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 67я52
E-copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher Г. С. Фельдштейн
Catalogue object