Temporary of the Demidov legal lyceum. Book. 53

      Demidov Lyceum  (Yaroslavl).
Temporary of the Demidov legal lyceum: book. 1-103. - Yaroslavl, 1872-1910
Book. 53. - 1890. - Div. pag. -
Publishing house: Typographic lithography of G. V. Falk.
At the end of the table of contents: LIII book was published on May 12, 1890; it contains 30 pages.
Contents: Journal of the Council of the Lyceum of the meetings on 28, 30 and 31 May 1890, with annexes (pp. 1-66). Chronicle of the Lyceum for 1889/90 schoolchildren. year, with the annexes (pp. 1-9, I-XLV). Essay on the science of financial law. Issue. The 1 st. Ordin. prof. IT Tarasova (the end) (pp. 137-211). The course of church law. T. II. Ord. Professor NS Suvorov (continued) (pp. 137-200). Administrative law. Ch. Is special. IT Tarasova (pp. 1-48). The task and methods of science on the national economy (continued) VF Levitsky (pp. 65-136). Legal Bibliography No. 17-th (pp. 1-48). Legal Bibliography No. 18-th (pp. 1-48) .
1. Demidov legal lyceum (Yaroslavl, city) - Collections. 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory of Russia (collection). 4. Law - History - Russia - Collections. 5. Law - Teaching methodology - Compilations. 6. Legal journals.
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ББК 67.3 (2) 53я43
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