Temporary of the Demidov legal lyceum. Book. 26th

      Demidov Lyceum  (Yaroslavl).
Temporary of the Demidov legal lyceum: book. 1-103. - Yaroslavl, 1872-1910
Book. 26. - 1881. - Sect. pag. -
Publishing house: in printers of Provincial government and G. Falk.
Contents: Report on the state of the lyceum for 1880, with annexes (pp. 1-46). Program on Public Law, E.O. prof. OO Eichelman (pp. 1-40). Program on the General History of Law, O. prof. VV Sokolsky (pp. 1-5). Personality, public, property. From lectures on civil law. A. A. Borzenko (S. 1-50). Artel in Russia. I.D.O.O. Prof. A. A. Isaeva (first half) (pp. 1-224). Studies in the field of national economy of the classical antiquity of Rodbertus, translation edited by O. Prof. IT Tarasova, student. D. Nevsky (pp. 1-66, notes 1-28). Announcements on the sale of books (pp. 1-4). - Ex. SPbSU is defective. There are no articles: Artels in Russia. I.D.O.O. Prof. A. A. Isaeva (first half) (pp. 1-224). Studies in the field of national economy of the classical antiquity of Rodbertus, translation edited by O. Prof. IT Tarasova, student. D. Nevsky (pp. 1-66, notes 1-28). Announcements on the sale of books (pp. 1-4) .
1. Demidov legal lyceum (Yaroslavl, city) - Collections. 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory of Russia (collection). 4. Law - History - Russia - Collections. 5. Legal journals.
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ББК 67.3 (2) 53я43
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