Geography. Part 2. Textbook for the fourth grade of primary school

  Terekhova, Lidiya Grigoryevna      
Geography: textbook for primary school / LG Terekhova and VG Erdeli. - 6 th ed. - Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1938 .
I. Erdely, Vladimir Georgievich. 1. Geography - Educational publications.
ББК 26.89я7
Part 2: A textbook for the fourth grade of primary school. - 1938. - 136 pp., [3] l. kart. : ill., diagr., maps. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Geography - Educational publications.
ББК 26.89я7
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location on the secret of the original: РГБ
Publisher Учпедгиз
Catalogue object