A short textbook of geography. Course 1

  Yanchin, Ivan Vasilyevich  (1839-1889).    
A short textbook of geography / comp. I. Yanchin, Rev. mosk. the real school. - Ed. 8th, corrected. - Moscow: publication of the bookstore of the heirs of the Salayev brothers, 1884-1907. - 4 tons; 19 centimeters .
1. Geography - Textbooks for secondary schools.
ББК 26.89я72
Course 1: for pupils of the first class of secondary educational institutions and for district schools: with the application of many polytypes, maps of flat surfaces and maps of Europe. - 1884. - 96 p., [2] l. kart. : ill., table., diag. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Geography - Textbooks for secondary schools.
ББК 26.89я72
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location on the secret of the original: РГБ
Publisher издание книжного магазина наследников братьев Салаевых
Catalogue object