Dreams of the Tatars of Mohammedans about the National Comprehensive School

Koblov, Yakov Dmitrievich (1876-).    
Dreams of the Tatars of Mohammedans about the national secondary school / [Ya. Koblov]. - Kazan: Tipo-lit. Imp. University, 1908. -20 p. ; 22 cm. -
Auto. specified at the end of the text.
Without tit. l. and region
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Tatarstan, Republic (collection). 3. The Republic of Tatarstan: pages of history (collection).
BBC 63.521 (= 632.3) -71
BBK 74.03 (283.54)
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher типо-лит. Имп. ун-та
Catalogue object