The fiftieth anniversary of the book and picture production of IA Golyshev in the village of Mstya Vyaznikovsky Uyezd in the Vla...

The fiftieth anniversary of the book and picture production of IA Golyshev in the village of Mstya Vyaznikovsky Uyezd in the Vladimir province. December 7, 1844-1894 : a short essay / comp. NP Shipin. - Vladimir on the Klyazma: Type. provinces. board, 1895. - 24 with. : 1 liter. portraiture. ; 24 centimeters .
1. Book Trade - History - Vladimir Region - 19th Century .. 2. Works of Art - Trade - History - Vladimir Region - 19. ..
ББК 76.18 (28-8Вла)
ББК 63.3 (28-8Вла) 52-7
The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB
The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ
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