Senate archive. 15. Decrees and decrees of Empress Catherine II for 1765

      Russia. The Senate  
Senate Archive . - St. Petersburg: printing house of the Government Senate, 1888-1913 . - 26 cm
15: Decrees and orders of Empress Catherine II for 1765 / comp. and ed. under the supervision of the inspector of the Senate Archive IA Blinov. - 1913. - [1], VI, 24, 1097 p. - Alf. pointers: Personal names, Geographical, Subject: with. 1013-1095 .
1. Legislation - Russia - the 18th century. - Documents and materials
BBK 63.3 (2) 513-332y11
BBK 67.3 (2) 51y11
Copy source: RNB
Location on map of originals: RNB
Publisher типография Правительствующего Сената
Catalogue object