The Charter of the Society for Assistance to Needy Students in the Primary People's Schools of the Peterhof and Yamburg district...

      The Society for Assistance to Needy Students in the Primary People's Schools of Peterhof and Yamburg Districts  
The Charter of the Society for Assistance to Needy Students in the Elementary Schools of Peterhof and Yamburg Districts of the St. Petersburg Gubernia, consisting of the Ministry of Public Education. - Narva: Tipo-lit. nasl. A. Grigorieva, 1898. - 26 p. ; 18 centimeters .
BBC 74.03 (28-8Pet) L5
BBK 63.3 (28-8Pet) 531-4-76
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Типо-лит. насл. А. Григорьева
Catalogue object