Magazines of meetings, reports of commissions and administrations, reporting, estimates, layout of district zemstvo duties and s...

    Nizhny Novgorod county. zemstvo assembly.
Magazines of meetings, reports of commissions and administrations, reporting, estimates, layout of district zemstvo duties and so on. - Nizhny Novgorod, [1868] -1915. 21-26. -
Ver. journal. for 1867-1869-1881, 1883-1885, 1888 .: Magazines of the Nizhny Novgorod district zemsky assembly.
1. Reports .... Nizhny Novgorod county. zemstvo council.
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
The 15th regular ... 1879 year. - 1880. - 224 p. Sec. pag. .
Electronic copy source: RSL
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