Weather in Vladimir province for 1927/28

Fedorovsky, Nikolay Ksenofontovich    
Weather review in Vladimir province for 1927/28: (with 2 diagrams and 5 tables) / N. Fedorovsky, instructor of the Gubmetbureau; under the general editorship of the head of the Vladimir experimental agricultural station A. Kostylev; Vladimir province land management, Experienced organization. - Vladimir: edition of the Vladimir Experimental Agricultural Station, 1928. -63 p. : Fig., table. ; 22 cm. - (Series of scientific and practical literature, No. 4). -
Bibliography in footnotes.
. -1050 copies. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Vladimir Region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. Agricultural meteorology - Vladimir province.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Bla) 61
BBK 65.03 (28-8Vla) 61
BBK 26.237
An electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: Vladimir OUNB
Publisher издание Владимирской опытной сельско-хозяйственной станция
Catalogue object