The Presidential Library’s video lecture to spotlight the 115th anniversary of the Russian submarine fleet

11 March 2021

March 11, 2021, at 11:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library will host a video lecture entitled “115 Years of Russian Submarine Forces: History, Achievements, Traditions” as part of the Knowledge of Russia project. The event is timed to coincide with the Submariner's Day, which is celebrated annually on March 19. The video lecture is organized with the support of the Marinesko Museum of the History of Russian Submarine Forces.

The video lecture is free. The meeting will be held remotely and will be broadcasted live on the Presidential Library's portal in Live broadcasts section in accordance with the program of live events, on the institution's YouTube channel and on the VKontakte social network.

As part of the video lecture, a senior researcher at the Marinesko Museum of the History of the Russian Submarine Forces Yuri Vedernikov will tell about the first submarines of Russia in the 18th – 19th centuries, the participation of submarines in the Russian-Japanese, World War I, Civil, World War II and the significance of Russian submarine forces today. Participants of the event will also learn about the unique models-exhibits from the collections of the Marinesko Museum of the History of the Russian Submarine Forces.

The video lecture will provide films of the creative team of the founder of the reconnaissance and diving team and the head of the expedition "Bow to the ships of the Great Victory" Konstantin Bogdanov "The Nobleman in Red" and "Shch-317". The first film tells about the hero-submarine, the commander of the submarine "Panther" Alexander Bakhtin (1894-1931), the second tells about one of the Soviet submarines of the Second World War, which sank in the Gulf of Finland.

Students studying at the maritime educational institutions of the region will join the event via video conference call from the Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library.

Representatives of the Marinesko Museum of the History of Russian Submarine Forces: director Andrey Kharkov, head of the scientific and educational department Andrey Potapov, chief curator Olga Maltseva will join the video lecture. Also, independent researcher Natalya Shvarts, teacher of the additional education department for children of secondary school No. 151 of St. Petersburg Nikita Popov, philosopher-cosmist Yuri Malyshev are planning to take part in the event.

One of the main areas of activity of the Presidential Library is the digital preservation of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood. The volume of the institution's electronic collections today is more than a million depository items, including a large number of publications devoted to the history of Russian navigation.

Interactive lessons and video lectures are regularly held in the Presidential Library. More information about them is available on the institution's portal in the Multimedia lessons section and in the Video lectures for school section, which features records of lectures and open lessons held in the Presidential Library.

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