The Presidential Library provides the Knowledge Forum 2023

26–27 September 2023

On September 26 and 27, 2023, the Presidential Library will host the annual Knowledge Forum, the main theme of which will be “The role of culture in education: the Past and the Present”. It will bring together specialists from the largest libraries in Russia, scientists and science popularizers, teachers from higher educational institutions, history teachers, methodologists from information and methodological centers in St. Petersburg, university and college students, and schoolchildren.

The Knowledge Forum is available on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live Broadcasts section in accordance with the program of live events, on the institution’s Rutube-channel, as well as on the pages on the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

The first event of the Knowledge Forum on September 26 will be the plenary session “Prospects for cooperation between universities and libraries in the implementation of popular science and educational projects”, where the possibilities of libraries as platforms for popularizing science, historical and cultural heritage will be discussed.

On the same day, representatives of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and Tomsk State Pedagogical University will speak as part of the video lecture “History of Education and Upbringing in Russia: Higher Education”.

The round table “Problems of highly moral and aesthetic education of children and youth” will be devoted to the authority of a teacher, his role in the patriotic education of the younger generation through culture and art. In addition, as part of the event, a presentation of the new electronic collection of the Presidential Library “Family and traditional family values in Russia as the basis of Russian statehood” will take place.

Issues of digital philosophy and digital cultural trends will be discussed at the round table “Russian culture in the electronic environment: effective ways to promote national heritage”.

The first day of the Knowledge Forum in the electronic reading room will end with a workshop “Using digital resources to write a research paper”. Guests will learn about the collections presented on the Presidential Library’s portal. Special attention will be paid to digitized archival materials received from the largest archives in the country. Head of the Department of Source Studies of Russian History at St. Petersburg State University S. G. Kashchenko will talk about the experience of accessing the library’s collections for scientific and educational purposes.

The second day of the forum will open with a plenary session “Art and culture in the Presidential Library: new opportunities and prospects for interaction”, which will focus on the cooperation of the Presidential Library with museums, exhibition centers and other organizations whose activities are related to culture and art, as well as the possibilities of electronic resources of the Presidential Library libraries for studying monuments of Russian culture.

At a video lecture entitled “History of education and upbringing in Russia: secondary education”, specialists from the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and the Russian Academy of Education will talk about the main milestones in the history of general education and upbringing from the Russian Empire to the Russian Federation.

The workshop “Theme of the Northern Military District within the framework of “Conversations about the Important”: current topics and methods of presentation” will highlight the reasons for the special military operation in historical retrospect: from issues of education of the ancient Russian people to the modern political situation. Special attention will be paid to how they are trying to falsify the history of Russia and Ukraine in the educational literature of Ukraine. There will also be a presentation of a new multimedia lesson for high school students, “Satire in the Service of Victory: Caricature during the Great Patriotic War”.

The workshop on creating a research project will be held by history teacher at the Higher School of Economics, member of the jury of the All-Russian History Olympiad I. D. Puzyrev. The event is intended for senior pupils and is aimed at developing practical skills in developing research projects, which are gaining popularity in modern school education.

The work of the Knowledge Forum will end with an open dialogue entitled “Simply about complex: problems of presenting educational material in school humanities disciplines” where they will talk about the participation of the Presidential Library in the preparation of a unified textbook for senior pupils on the history of Russia and world history. The new textbooks include QR-codes with links to the library’s document collections, the total volume of which is more than 15 thousand depository items. In addition, forum participants will learn about such projects as “The Presidential Library for a Teacher: Teaching Using Primary Sources” and the contest of pedagogical projects “The Future of the Fatherland in the Hands of a Teacher”.

Accreditation of media representatives is until 14:00 September 25, 2023.

Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form marked Media Accreditation to the following e-mail addresses:, Olga Dyatko, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 190; mob. +7 (900) 658-48-32.

The letter should contain the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact phone numbers, the name of the media.

We draw the attention of the media representatives that it is necessary to forward applications for accreditation and arrive at the event in advance.

Entrance to the Presidential Library is carried out only by prior registration and upon showing a passport: for media representatives - through entrance № 2, participants and guests of the event - through entrance № 1.

In order to reduce the risks of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the use of personal protective equipment during the event is mandatory for all attendees.


Knowledge Forum Program – 2023

“The role of culture in education: the Past and the Present”

September 26, 2023 (Tuesday)

10:00–11:50 (Column Hall) – official opening of the Knowledge Forum and plenary session “Prospects for cooperation between universities and libraries in the implementation of popular science and educational projects”

12:00–13:30 (Multimedia room, sector C+D) – video lecture “History of education and upbringing in Russia: higher education”

12:00–13:30 (Room 157) – round table “Problems of highly moral and aesthetic education of children and youth”

14:00–15:50 (Multimedia Hall, Sector B) – round table “Russian culture in the electronic environment: effective ways to promote national heritage”

16:00–17:00 (Electronic reading room) – workshop “Using digital resources to write a research paper”


September 27, 2023 (Wednesday)

10:00–11:50 (Column Hall) – plenary session “Art and culture in the Presidential Library: new opportunities and prospects for interaction”

12:00–13:30 (Multimedia room, sector C+D) – video lecture “History of education and upbringing in Russia: secondary education”

12:00–13:30 (Multimedia hall, sector A) – methodological workshop “The topic of the special military operation within the framework of “Conversations about the important”: current topics and presentation methods”

14:00–15:30 (Multimedia room, sector B) – workshop on creating a research project

16:00–17:00 (Multimedia room, sector C+D) – open dialogue “Simply about complex things: problems of presenting educational material in school humanities disciplines”