Day notes of the journey of the doctor and the Academy of Sciences of the adjunct Ivan Lepekhin to different provinces of the Ru...

  Lepekhin, Ivan Ivanovich  (1740-1802).    
The daily notes of the journey of the doctor and the Academy of Sciences of the adjunct Ivan Lepekhin to different provinces of the Russian state ... . - Санктпетербург: При Имп. Acad. Sciences, 1771-1805 . - 4 ° cm
[Ch. 1]: ... 1768 and 1769 year. - 1771. - [6], 537, [3] p., 16 h. yl. .
1. Russia - Description and travel - 18 in ..
BBC 63.3 (28) 51,013
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher При Имп. Акад. наук
Catalogue object